1 | Feb 01, 2001 | xxxxxxx | The Iliad | 24 |
2 | Feb 02, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Beyond Form: Art and Architecture in the Space of Media | 54 |
3 | Feb 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | 100 lbs. of Clay, Lap Dance | 37 |
4 | Feb 06, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Jorn Ebner - Life Measure Constructions | 63 |
5 | Feb 06, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Jorn Ebner - Life Measure Constructions | 62 |
6 | Feb 07, 2001 | xxxxxxx | [silence] Iannis Xenakis obituary (fwd) | 134 |
7 | Feb 12, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Beverley Hood - translocale | 65 |
8 | Feb 12, 2001 | xxxxxxx | guitar noise | 13 |
9 | Feb 12, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: guitar noise | 33 |
10 | Feb 12, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: guitar noise info | 38 |
11 | Feb 14, 2001 | xxxxxxx | LIVING ZEROES | 104 |
12 | Feb 14, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: LIVING ZEROES | 145 |
13 | Feb 14, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Alert: V Congress | 74 |
14 | Feb 15, 2001 | xxxxxxx | The Museum of Modern Art | 69 |
15 | Feb 18, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Solo Saxophone Show (NYC) | 43 |
16 | Feb 16, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: The Museum of Modern Art | 21 |
17 | Feb 17, 2001 | xxxxxxx | 184 | |
18 | Feb 17, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: The Museum of Modern Art | 27 |
19 | Feb 16, 2001 | xxxxxxx | DeChiara|Stewart | PARKETT | 57 |
20 | Feb 17, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: | 69 |
21 | Feb 17, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: The Museum of Modern Art | 25 |
22 | Feb 19, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: The Museum of Modern Art | 38 |
23 | Feb 22, 2001 | xxxxxxx | The Iliad | 20 |
24 | Feb 26, 2001 | xxxxxxx | a poem for the next Venice Biennial | 77 |
25 | Feb 26, 2001 | xxxxxxx | RE: a poem for the next Venice Biennial | 96 |
26 | Feb 26, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: a poem for the next Venice Biennial | 15 |
27 | Feb 26, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: a poem for the next Venice Biennial | 28 |
28 | Feb 27, 2001 | xxxxxxx | poems | 67 |
29 | Feb 27, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: a poem for the next Venice Biennial | 80 |
30 | Feb 27, 2001 | xxxxxxx | 46-hundred (12hr) | 168 |
31 | Feb 28, 2001 | xxxxxxx | this must be what they mean | 13 |
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