1 | Apr 30, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: those old cd's and cd-roms (corrected address) | 28 |
2 | May 01, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: those old cd's and cd-roms (corrected address) | 30 |
3 | May 01, 2001 | xxxxxxx | 100% FREE | 77 |
4 | May 02, 2001 | xxxxxxx | RE:net.ephemera Opening reception: Thursday, May 3, 6-9pm.@ | 120 |
5 | May 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | opinions, please | 13 |
6 | May 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: opinions, please | 26 |
7 | May 04, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: opinions, please | 29 |
8 | May 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: opinions, please | 31 |
9 | May 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: opinions, please | 39 |
10 | May 03, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Re: opinions, please | 27 |
11 | May 07, 2001 | xxxxxxx | 64-65 (fwd) | 28 |
12 | May 07, 2001 | xxxxxxx | MAKING SOCIAL SCIENCE MATTER | 229 |
13 | May 07, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Artforum.com New Site Launch | 56 |
14 | May 08, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Quaestio Abstrusa 001 | 28 |
15 | May 09, 2001 | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | 8 |
16 | May 10, 2001 | xxxxxxx | snoog | 20 |
17 | May 10, 2001 | xxxxxxx | call | 54 |
18 | May 27, 2001 | xxxxxxx | DK City | 83 |
19 | May 27, 2001 | xxxxxxx | QA002: the PSA of CRI | 89 |
20 | May 28, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Art 32 Basel | 75 |
21 | May 29, 2001 | xxxxxxx | THE FORUM FOR AFRICAN ARTS | 102 |
22 | May 30, 2001 | xxxxxxx | Url, Url, Url | 18 |
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