1 | May 01, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: opening | 294 |
2 | May 02, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: Drôle de ressemblance : Memoire d'un fou / La folie du jour | 60 |
3 | May 07, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: throw yourself down : a journal of radical theory and action | 24 |
4 | May 20, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: liste francophone sur Blanchot | 32 |
5 | May 20, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: En: Impossible d'envoyer votre message | 59 |
6 | May 20, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: Tr: liste francophone sur Blanchot | 39 |
7 | May 27, 2000 | xxxxxxx | MB: Sanntiago video | 12 |
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