Contents of spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_2002/film-theory.0204, 2002

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1 Mar 31, 2002mwolf-m-AT-bgnet.bgsu.eduCFP: "Extensions: Marshall McLuhan at the Edge of the Gutenberg Galaxy" (12/31/02)59
2 xxxxxxxmwolf-m-AT-bgnet.bgsu.eduCFP: "Media Literacy, Media Democracy" (16 August 2002)56
3 Apr 04, 2002Effie Rassos CFP: Postgraduate Symposium: New Directions in Film Theory:55
4 Apr 04, 2002Alastair Dickson Fwd: Films by Guy Debord 44
5 Apr 04, 2002Diane Pearson HELP ON PAPER20
6 Apr 05, 2002doron galili Re: HELP ON PAPER41
7 Apr 07, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik Re: HELP ON PAPER67
8 Apr 07, 2002Mark Walter Olsen Re: HELP ON PAPER31
9 Apr 07, 2002MSleeve-AT-aol.comRe: HELP ON PAPER23
10 Apr 07, 2002CHENNEB-AT-aol.comRe: HELP ON PAPER45
11 Apr 07, 2002bdeanrob-AT-sgi.netRe: HELP ON PAPER90
12 Apr 08, 2002Kenneth MacKendrick >>>>Re: HELP ON PAPER<<<<50
13 Apr 08, 2002checkerboard-AT-space.comPowers of Horror53
14 Apr 08, 2002Karen Magness-Eubank Re: Powers of Horror185
15 Apr 08, 2002Michael Moretti Re: Powers of Horror135
16 Apr 08, 2002Anoop Kumar RE: Powers of Horror175
17 Apr 08, 2002bdeanrob-AT-sgi.netRe: Powers of Horror170
18 Apr 08, 2002checkerboard-AT-space.comRe: Powers of Horror118
19 Apr 08, 2002Michael Moretti Re: Powers of Horror263
20 Apr 09, 2002Karen Magness-Eubank Re: Powers of Horror46
21 Apr 09, 2002indiefest-AT-telluridecolorado.netTELLURIDE IndieFest 2002 - "Call For Entries" Ending Soon!100
22 Apr 12, 2002Mark Jancovich Scope's New Book and Film Reviews and Conference Reports105
23 Apr 17, 2002Mark Walter Olsen Struggling Artist Film Festival34
24 Apr 18, 2002DHHunter-AT-aol.comRe: Struggling Artist Film Festival16
25 Apr 19, 2002hector mast new issue of Organdi Quarterly38
26 Apr 30, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik night cries video44

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