Contents of spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_2002/film-theory.0207, 2002

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1 Jul 04, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik west side story25
2 Jul 04, 2002Yiman Wang Re: west side story46
3 Jul 05, 2002tushar amin Re: Re: west side story88
4 Jul 05, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik Re: west side story77
5 Jul 06, 2002frank kilian cinema and the ways of unknowing36
6 Jul 07, 2002DrAndreaCampbell-AT-cs.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing30
7 Jul 07, 2002CHENNEB-AT-aol.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing50
8 Jul 07, 2002M. Cohen Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing336
9 Jul 08, 2002Rob Klemm Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing58
10 Jul 07, 2002strider-AT-adams.netRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing46
11 Jul 08, 2002Isabell Grill AW: cinema and the ways of unknowing20
12 Jul 08, 2002Rutger H. Cornets de Groot Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing18
13 Jul 08, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing62
14 Jul 08, 2002FilmNutBoy-AT-aol.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing126
15 Jul 08, 2002LiLiPUT1-AT-aol.comLeave group?10
16 Jul 08, 2002Marc Desbiens Re: Leave group?27
17 Jul 08, 2002Jasen Hobbins Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing23
18 Jul 08, 2002Paul McRandle Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing15
19 Jul 08, 2002bdeanrob-AT-sgi.netRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing101
20 Jul 08, 2002Paul McRandle Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing19
21 Jul 08, 2002checkerboard-AT-space.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing13
22 Jul 09, 2002Kenneth MacKendrick Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing34
23 Jul 09, 2002hbone Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing42
24 Jul 09, 2002Kenneth MacKendrick Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing23
25 Jul 09, 2002MSleeve-AT-aol.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing17
26 Jul 09, 2002hbone Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing40
27 Jul 09, 2002Marc Desbiens Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing73
28 Jul 08, 2002Jane Hudson Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing44
29 Jul 10, 2002Marc Desbiens Re: Unsubscribing38
30 Jul 12, 2002Jo Jurgens Re: Unsubscribing34
31 Jul 16, 2002Benjamin d'Aoust New York66
32 Jul 16, 2002b blich =?iso-8859-1?B?4fLw6envOiBOZXcgWW9yaw==?=104
33 Jul 16, 2002rachel horsley Re: New York127
34 Jul 18, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik classic Chinese film52
35 Jul 18, 2002Yiman Wang Re: classic Chinese film71
36 Jul 19, 2002Spoon Collective CFP: Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association 52
37 Jul 19, 2002CTHEORY Multimedia Curators Announcing "Wired Ruins: Digital Terror and Ethnic Paranoia"36
38 Jul 21, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik Re: classic Chinese film85
39 Jul 21, 2002villanova-AT-btopenworld.comreviews13
40 Jul 22, 2002Mark Jancovich Scope's New Book and Film Reviews and Conference Reports108
41 Jul 25, 2002frank kilian Re: Re: cinema and the ways of unknowing58
42 Jul 26, 2002EricHkohn-AT-aol.comRe: cinema and the ways of unknowing48
43 Jul 27, 2002Dr. Nina Zimnik Re: reviews34
44 Jul 27, 2002Paul Murphy Re: reviews50

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