Contents of spoon-archives/film-theory.archive/film-theory_2002/film-theory.0210, 2002

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1 Oct 07, 2002Elizabeth Fries 3rd Annual Critical Themes in Media Studies Conference-NYC37
2 Oct 09, 2002terrence butley the architect in film43
3 Jan 05, 1996JDean Re: the architect in film65
4 Oct 09, 2002Roseman RE: the architect in film61
5 Oct 10, 2002DrAndreaCampbell-AT-cs.comRE: the architect in film11
6 Oct 10, 2002Ron Leming Thesis films20
7 Oct 10, 2002Breneker-AT-aol.comMobile Movie Exhibition21
8 Oct 11, 2002JDean Re: Mobile Movie Exhibition48
9 Oct 11, 2002Ellie RE: the architect in film13
10 Oct 17, 2002terrence butley architects in films53
11 Oct 17, 2002hbone Re: architects in films73
12 Oct 17, 2002Campbell, Andrea RE: architects in films88
13 Oct 17, 2002Ken Chen Lynch (alternate realities)26
14 Oct 18, Robin Wood, also Hitchcock41
15 Oct 19, 2002FilmNutBoy-AT-aol.comRe: architects in films39
16 Oct 22, 2002mwolf-m-AT-bgnet.bgsu.eduAnnouncing Reconstruction 2.481
17 Oct 21,"Casting Doubt" Conference ***Call for Papers***100
18 Oct 23, 2002CTHEORY Multimedia Curators call for submissions: Net.Noise53

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