To: Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 01:22:56 -0800 Cc: Subject: [D-G] foucault: savages, barbarians, civilized man for some strange reason i am always led back to the notions of savage,=20 barbarians, and civilized man.=A0 i am wondering where this would tie in with the discussions we are having. Foucault's "Society Must Be Defended" has an excellent discussion of=20 these notions and I would like to know a film that uses these notions.=A0 So far I can think of "Quest for Fire" but I am not sure if it uses these notions in the proper sense of Deleuzian thought.=A0 And, of course, it does not reach the point of civilized man in it's storyline=20 but there must be a film where all three are included.=A0 And I am also thinking of "Brotherhood of the Wolf" that might contain all three. Ms. Sylvie Ruelle rw_artette_lc-AT-yahoo.com_______________________________________________ List address: Admin interface:
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