Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:20:44 -0500 To: Subject: [D-G] the "virtual" I think "virtual" is meant to be a concept of (dare I say it) ontology; I think it's meant to be a contribution toward getting a vocabulary in which we can talk about the world without resorting to objectivistic or transcendental realism. "Virtual" is a concept of immanence and dynamism: the "virtual" is that (or "virtuals" are those) by virtue of which an event unfolds in just the way it does; the virtual factor is an analytic element of "A LIFE" (where life-events are immanent to consciousness). The virtual is the power of the world. Like a less metaphoricalized or anthropomorphized version of Nietzsche's locus of "will to power", if you like -- and I think this is important, that "virtual" is meant to mean "pertaining to power", virtus, not "pertaining to the unreal or illusory". Or maybe I'm just mixed up. Jeremy > Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 19:21:45 -0800 > From: "sid littlefield" <> > Subject: RE: [D-G] Deleuze and the symbolic > To: > Message-ID: <> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" > > I don't think the virtual can be reduced to "interpretation mediated by reality". It seems to reside in Deleuze's metaphysics. I will speak more to this later. > _______________________________________________ List address: Admin interface:
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