Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 06:47:39 +0100 (BST) To: Subject: [D-G] Re: --- ripe moment: to break the vow of silence, the baruch bracha of silence. on the cut. on the edge?!!! Well it started. Now, I am already wondering: something has made it's impact. An event outside of the list is roaming and thresome of girls, she needs , a low belly, will be covered with clothes The event has been disappearing, and the weak xull of the monosyllabic divertimenting oscilliator ran out, and the flow cascaded into a different level , and then an opening, let us see the contrcuting part of a body withoutorgan generously praised, generously bionuvociseselled, and , it rose, to consciousness of Liza, she turn she returned to an old interpretation of Lucy: this morning, they had talked and lucy interpreted Bartleby, in a way, and we were asked to move the car under the sand, and we went out, leaving instrument for the turnpikes typhhoons, feeling the croisette, the prom, the ultramarine, the car was left, we went to a terrasse talking interpretation of bartelby, and it was lo quite more interesting then bartlbey, it gave me an opportunity to discover, under talents the talent, i could see the end tip of the cascade that i seen, and they went stupid old mommies, or dirty kids full of sand, they were enjoying the last particles of Nice and Metiterranea, and fear was oppressing, as school could come back at any time, so we went futher than anyone. We took a plane to Marroco, and arrived we were in Casablanca, we sat, we had no hostel, and sat in the airport, and in the thoughts as meandering they finally came to join, as a notioon but it was well done, and the idea was just the idea of aiport waiting room before getting a notion commun . Liza was exausted, she wanted a normal trip with other Parisisans like her. But all this trip had modified her memory. Lucy relyed, but he could not follow the mind of Liza to advance the becomings which they had convened, would, lead the to the tea spot he wanted, Bartleby was stopping to say and "prefer" not to" eat the tea port, and his eyes were contemplating the river into which he had just spitted., so they were blocked, or so undsatisfyed, that they went back to the hostel for sleep. They went through the pannel, and we opened new ones, but at the end, arrived near the sea, it was different, and we all went to run, and i'll come running to tie your shoes. It's Internet again, said Lucy. Interpretation has caught us again, we wware too weak? This is said to you, and to you. To Liza he said, i"it's terrble"n,, in need to get back and return tothe desert. He took a plane, ans Liza was of course with him? Ishtar wanted to stay in the oasis, but insisted by more competend people, he went madn, and arrived to see the desert, and he slept ther. THE morning after Chapman and Markcrosby, to of the other thread arrived discovered Ishtar, wondering what have you got? I SAID? iSHTAR WAS CREEPINGS? MAYBE AS A MAD? A LITTLE CHILDREN OR THE ONE WHO EXPOSES THE OVERFLOW OF MIX? SO AS TO LOSE BARTLBY FROM THE 3COMMENDMENT3? THUS LEAVING HIM UNPRESERVED FROM THE SNAKES. IT WAS DIFFICULT WE WERE UNDER THE IMPRESSION ON SUCH HILL? BUT IT WAS SO LOW. wE WANT TO BE silent AFGAIN? bATRLBY OH HUMAZNUITRYYYYYYY. ISHTAR HAD SAID/they came with Ishtar to attac with canons and U.S. SPEEFIGHTERS ANY SIGNS OF COMMUNICATIONS Crosby and Chapan approached from Ishtar lilithù, and desert creature as he was, he was lucid enough to leave the architecture which by lines has been them dancing silently under these old destroyed text, and went Ishtar to go and check what is it he has visited, and, Bartlby holding bustlr of Cicero in his hand was wondering about the techtononique of sensations conserved by the body. Ishtar once again, saw Crosby THINKING WHERAS THE OYTHER ONE ALREADY HAD FORGOTEN WITH WHO TO APPROACH THE started thinking about a glass with which he could end light to a place on other side of this wildly rough small desert. The play of intensities was an invitation to question on distance, even on such a relatively small distance vetween one oasis, an the dead sea. Ishtar had established the line so that it could let ppl imagine about talking differently. For so surprising thought, in Ishtar, makes him exited and we see him get out of the chaos of preparation that always think about new exibition. ISHTAR THIS IS JUST AN EXPERIMENT BY A LITTLE BOY FROM TROGLODYTES OSTYA CERCA ROMA I F Y O U HA VE NEED FOR READING BEFORE STARTING WHATEVER ARTICLE? ST5ART WITHIS ONE ABOUT TO EXPERIMENTATION IN LITTERATURE. FAREWELL AMIZZ Send instant messages to your online friends _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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