File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0504, message 7

Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 20:27:56 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [D-G] Omega 3

Dear friends, 
masos and paranos, junks
nevropaths and schizophrenetics...

My difficulty is the following: I am not following the
news on the death of the Christian Jean-Paul the Seonc
Pope of Christ. He was elected the day of his birth,
in 1978, and at this time I admit was more interested
by the Anglican Church, also and also the Methodists.
But I have not been following the Pope's death and
knew the poor fellow would die, nor Have I listened to
the tv chatter on Charles' wedding with a charming
Princess of what I guess she is a Roth-Urian. I knew
they would marry because Queen Elisabeth talked about
only joining outside Also (& this is a surprise!)
Monaco Prince (former husband of the hollyodian
actress G.Kelly) Reinier, all this can lead you with
the conclusion: I am not in touch with tv- reality.
Pink TV: not seen! So I took up and cracked a given
quantity of Omega3. It's perfect for the taste. It
goes in the brain cell directly, surely it can melt in
there when I will take it. It's so good also I 've
been said by the Pharmacopeonist!! But what I wish,
was I knew how to re-connect re-al-ly with this week's
agendas. Someone said also that the Marcos were out of
Chiapas, and fled to Bahamas Island. Ney I want to
have a squilsh of Omega3, I wish you could with me try
to empower my power of thoughts. Omega3... And so I
took it, and I have reconnected totally with my
M-Theory agents and their hidden secrets. Conspiration
theory flushed out me like a Line of Music with an
Omega3 gem broken and falling on the ground squelching
drops on the hands. What to do with my lack of Omega3?
I ask you if you knew.


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