Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 02:07:28 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: [D-G] Omega 3 To: --- Ivan Zavala <> wrote: > Just recently I learned about Omega3. > > I have terrible problems of concentration, imagine > this, I use 4 > computers at a time writing, designing, reading. > > what do you uses as content to those computers are they related by threads? what body without organs expressive linearity has said on coffee made my worrry how greassy and salty is your cso bwo ? comprende amigo? para que mas facil comprender con un indicatione dell showreel (sorry many voices in my mind they press me to ask what in their quolm drulm there is that they want to ask, poat matip dread creacer, crea ooops voices i want to be dominant among all of you where as ivan might be concerned to have her mail answered. ok so what we want is to give a imagenition a way to be perceive by blurr chaotic cliche, the two cso & bwo of yours of mine, and their culture in linearities of expressions. synaesthesia see in article politics tomorrow dear friend- (we are the voices in liza in liza, reatreating from her after de night.) sis lo derdre buitiner, lois vois pas toi.) tu sais ivan, c'est très gentil de croire que tu peux nous emmener dans ton entrain du jour vers la politique de fili depuis que c'est elle qui poisse constamment contre ma politique de certitude de cavalerie, pour casser pour casser vibratoire, pour vibrer moi bribri, tu vibres me demandes tu elle vient de me dire que je dois vous effrayer car il pourrait y a voir dautres gens qui ont des gens dans leurs esprits. et ils pourraient perdre leur stase identificatoire et leur autopoesis. et les nevropathes vont plus comprendres les schizophrenetik et là ils auront peur tacoup mais ce chouette ton mail ivan, je te remercie et je penserai à toi ds mes publications futures aussi..... Cordially Fili Houtman Guiding Liza KOZNER LOVE§§§ COMME SOO DU ETAIS AMOUREUZE DE TOIMEME.§ Send instant messages to your online friends _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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