File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0506, message 34

To: <>
Subject: RE: [D-G] the "virtual"
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 15:06:54 +0200


unfortunately I think in respect the virtual and creatipon, that the virtual
is a variant of the potential,
from the potential - act theory by Aristotle taken up by the scholatics.
As you know, by Parmenides a ceation ex nihilo was foreign to ancient greek
including Plato, Aristotle the Stoa etc.
There has bee a lot of struggle from the early christians to
overcome this doctrin and in spite of that to integrate Plato and Aristotle
as prominent and
authorative (which meant a lot in the medieval times).
So, in my eyes, the virtual of Deleuze is not so much preformed as the
potential (including the final cause or teleos), nowadays broken down to the
possible (worlds) - as already expressed in the last email.

greetings Harald

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of sid littlefield
Sent: Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2005 16:52
Subject: RE: [D-G] the "virtual"

yes it seems that the virtual is a force/power, as its etymology attests to,
but it  also important to remember that although Deleuze affirms its reality
(against Kant/Aristotle, the tradition) he also returns to the fact that the
virtual is not, does not, resemble the actual. And so a gulf remands, but it
is this gulf that allows Deleuze to posit a theory of the new without making
the two mistakes of philosophy, namely that the new is creation ex nihilio
(theological) or the combination of the parts of history. A novel theory
about novelty. It is Deleuze that says that every work of art has something
ahistorical about it.

----- Original Message -----
From: hwenk <>
Subject: RE: [D-G] the "virtual"
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 12:44:39 +0200

> Hello,
> I think you are right, the virtual is some kind of power or force.
> I think Deleuze struggles (in Difference et repetition) with this concept
> against the possibilty,
> which, according to Kant, is the thing only lacking existence.
> This is also not true in my eyes. but the possible is much more preformed
> than the virtual.
> greetings Harald
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On
> Behalf Of Jeremy Livingston
> Sent: Montag, 24. Januar 2005 18:21
> To:
> Subject: [D-G] the "virtual"
> I think "virtual" is meant to be a concept of (dare I say it)
> ontology; I think it's meant to be a contribution toward getting a
> vocabulary in which we can talk about the world without resorting to
> objectivistic or transcendental realism. "Virtual" is a concept of
> immanence and dynamism: the "virtual" is that (or "virtuals" are
> those) by virtue of which an event unfolds in just the way it does;
> the virtual factor is an analytic element of "A LIFE" (where
> life-events are immanent to consciousness). The virtual is the power
> of the world. Like a less metaphoricalized or anthropomorphized
> version of Nietzsche's locus of "will to power", if you like -- and I
> think this is important, that "virtual" is meant to mean "pertaining
> to power", virtus, not "pertaining to the unreal or illusory".
> Or maybe I'm just mixed up.
> Jeremy
> > Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 19:21:45 -0800
> > From: "sid littlefield" <>
> > Subject: RE: [D-G] Deleuze and the symbolic
> > To:
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> > I don't think the virtual can be reduced to "interpretation mediated by
> reality". It seems to reside in Deleuze's metaphysics. I will speak more
> this later.
> >
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