File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0506, message 37

Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 06:33:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [D-G] D&G reading group

--- Gondo -Minnie <> wrote:
> lucy as seen me drunk yesterday ...
> i am wondering if mark will miss me.

Response time a bit sluggish from this globalized
scanning, lagged under the Homeland Security camera
obscura, but here is an autotellic reply: When you are
free (from the instrumental reason of those
capitalized scientists holding you captive) come to
Colorado, Gondo -Minnie, and we will teach you to ski!
We will go Gonzo and whack the bushes as we shush down
la montana waving our arms in spiritual support for
blue-sky Zapatista uprisings all the way from Chiapas
to La Paz - Viva Badiou!

It will be a scene of Many: "But love, I believe, does
not take the place of anything. It supplements, which
is completely different. It is only messed up under
the fallacious supposition that it is a relation. But
it is not. It is a production of truth" (Alain Badiou,
"What is Love?"

"Rhizomatic productions are by definition just more of
the logic of capital ... the problem with Deleuze
would be that he re-assimilates any becoming back to
being" (Dispatch from the Prophet Levi ;) We become
therefore we are! 

So, really, I am restless, reading Jean-Luc Nancy on
"The Negative" and VERY bored: "Hegel's discourse is
intelligible if history has already ended; otherwise
there is no unity but rather an unintelligible
succession of the dramas and shapes of
consciousness... This leads, for Kojeve, to a
planetary politics in a universal discourse... The
serenity of completely knowing ourselves inescapably
reveals itself as ridiculous and boring" (Zeynep
Direk, "On the Sources and the Structure of Derrida's
Radical Notion of Experience"

subcomandante insurgente Marco

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