To: Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 14:26:45 -0500 Subject: [D-G] How does one know when a 'revolutionary' medium has run its The question is how one is to determine whether a medium can still be considered revolutionary or not. Is it possible for a revolutionary artform to no longer be able to produce interesting thoughts. I speak here of two examples. If one looks at Jazz (and ignores Adorno's sad attempt to understand/defeat it) one can see the revolutionary importance it played, in music but also literature (the beats) etc. But it is difficult to see how Jazz can still play this role, especially given its own popularity and the lack of inspiring acts. So, is it exhausted, is such a thing possible. The other example is our own list. I have been a member for a while and have seen the floods and the famines. It seems now that this list has run its course and is exhausted, or even dead. And while we may say that there is a real lack of interest it is also true everytime something gets started it is quickly shot down by the non-sense that floods the list (Although I am impressed that we a monkey and a galactic bounty hunter participating, it does not make the interventions any easier). Is this list exhausted or dead? Is it simply waiting for the right post to send us "shooting along a witch's line"? Can a form be brought back from the edge of obscurity? This question is larger than my interest in Jazz and our interest in this list. It is a political question that the left is coming to grips with and that this list has now to ask itself. sid _______________________________________________ NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at once. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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