To: <> Subject: Re: [D-G] How does one know when a 'revolutionary' medium has Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 00:01:26 -0400 Thank you, james I have not seen it but will look for it... How often in history does an assemblage like their unfold. joan ----- Original Message ----- From: "james" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:33 PM Subject: Re: [D-G] How does one know when a 'revolutionary' medium has runitscourse? joan Have you seen the recent publication of Guattari's "Écrits pour l'Anti-Oedipe"? This book begins to explore the dynamic between D&G and Stéphane Nadaud opens with the question of who wrote (consider the opening of Rhizome) and how AO was produced, perhaps in the manner of a wasp and an orchid... james On 6/23/05, joan carol urquhart <> wrote: > > The medium is just a tool. > It's usefulness or relevance always recycles. > > I am interested in the how these two men wrote together. > What was that dynamic? And am not sure if anything has been > written about this. > > But to respond to your post, > if all it would take is > "the right post to send us shooting along a witch's line". > why not give it a try and find out. > > j > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "sid littlefield" <> > To: <> > Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:26 PM > Subject: [D-G] How does one know when a 'revolutionary' medium has run > itscourse? > > > The question is how one is to determine whether a medium can still be > considered revolutionary or not. Is it possible for a revolutionary artform > to no longer be able to produce interesting thoughts. > > I speak here of two examples. If one looks at Jazz (and ignores Adorno's sad > attempt to understand/defeat it) one can see the revolutionary importance it > played, in music but also literature (the beats) etc. But it is difficult to > see how Jazz can still play this role, especially given its own popularity > and the lack of inspiring acts. So, is it exhausted, is such a thing > possible. > > The other example is our own list. I have been a member for a while and have > seen the floods and the famines. It seems now that this list has run its > course and is exhausted, or even dead. And while we may say that there is a > real lack of interest it is also true everytime something gets started it is > quickly shot down by the non-sense that floods the list (Although I am > impressed that we a monkey and a galactic bounty hunter participating, it > does not make the interventions any easier). Is this list exhausted or dead? > Is it simply waiting for the right post to send us "shooting along a witch's > line"? Can a form be brought back from the edge of obscurity? > > This question is larger than my interest in Jazz and our interest in this > list. It is a political question that the left is coming to grips with and > that this list has now to ask itself. > > sid > > -- > _______________________________________________ > NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at > once. > > > _______________________________________________ > List address: > Info: > Archives: > > > _______________________________________________ > List address: > Info: > Archives: > _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives: _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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