File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0608, message 13

To: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:13:07 +0200
Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze


if heaven is on earth it
order that is stays to be,
it is in my eyes required on earth to make it  like heaven as far it
is in ones capability of action and thinking.

And that in my eyes has a lot to do with making understandable
and reply on the level of question  or of issue with
references also understandable and traceable.

In case of Buddhism not much more than right thinking, right understanding,
right action
and right asana, as it is laid down in the eightfold path of Buddhism coming
from the four
noble truth is necessary.

And therefore, as clear, as direct without hurting and
as easiest to understand as possible.

And neurotransmitters and anxiety is indeed working everyday in every second
in everybody.
Also there is new growing of the brain by new synapses which
are bound to make fears and be bounded to some outer world events or
persons resulting in unnecessary fears and troubling action also for others.

I see no reasons to overrun such very important basic
features of inner and outer life.
The rest is indeed much to much
 "following errors"
- to speak it Buddha like - not found the "cause of the suffering"-
which is the second noble truth after considering the suffering as a first.
This heaven on earth is indeed in spite of that full of fears and suffering.

And there we can do something, at first think about it.
And if you like to use "we" you can of course do so, but is there some
reference in real life for it?
To be a little poetic, to say we and to do I against you is
not consistent - to speak harmless.

This is the sense of feedback communication.
greetings Harald Wenk
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of NZ
Sent: Dienstag, 8. August 2006 20:19
Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze

the fish the poodles all of them and the ethnology of
gang-philosophers. I must apologize for beeing upset with you & me. I
don't need a we to be. I remember the first time I used "we" on this
list and I think it was Hwenk who asked me politely not to use that
term. I think there are other words that have been curtiously asked
not to be used here. I am happy to deny a set of vocabulary, word for
word can be removed from the lexicon and I do very much believe that
more understanding will come... but it is contingent upon that
progress and without an ends there is no justification of such a
performance. but the scope seems to narrow down until friction is
In an attempt at harmony I have followed some buddists for a few days
along the trails of mexican border. we have a mandala that we study.
none of us understand, yet we meditate and discover nonetheless. the
first day I got to 5, the second day I got to 14 and on the third day
I got to 16.. there are 86. The dali lama goes to 114 everyday but he
does not go all the way down to 16. that is why the dali lama will
only meet with world leaders(demons) and not everyday-joe, do you know
who he is and why he is here? he is here to help those
world-leader(demons) escape from our hell-reality, but he is not
interested to help the everyday-joe escape. this is what he tells me
when I meet with him, I am a liar because I told him I go to 86.

in the certain buddist mandala that I am discovering I have been told
about the multidimensions that tranverse our reality. only here can we
see a certain point of view, but it is connected to multi-dimensions
like that rhyzoma. the mandala asks for me to feel/be those
connections at once, but I have only this life and I can only feel up
to 16, it is great. it is like instant understanding, getting to the
subtiler levels of the senses. the mandala is a picture not a word.

I perfer the buddist dream to the christian dream because the buddist
dream says that it is in our mind, but the christian says it is in
heaven which is not anywhere on the earth. that is why we have bob
marley telling us more about god then anyone else. bob says that
heaven is on the earth, rasta aye!
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