To: <> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 19:15:44 +0200 Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze Hello Mr. .+oot7AM martini as a professional mathematician, I have to deny this statement of Mr. Sapolsky: "The profession of mathematics, for instance, is built almost entirely upon the creative breakthroughs of wunderkinder, and studies of other creative professions show a less extreme version of the same pattern." I don't know wherefrom he gathered his informations concerning mathematical research, but you have to be creative in mathematics to get a degree in this science. Also the study of "normal science" in mathematics as it is put by Kuhns distinction, costs much effort because there are new ides in it to grasp. And you have to invent the wheel only once and the lack of inventions of such order is not to less creativity, but that there not so much real revolutionary inventions. The subjective creativity and the objective creativity, how it changes mathematics or other science may differ. In mathematics you need sometimes enormous creativity to solve very specialized problems which only a few other specialist get acquainted with. Mathematics has a very rare structure of public discourse, very, very specialized. This is a hindrance for sociologists or psychologist to understand what is going on there. So there is always an attempt to find patterns in mathematical science which make it easy to subsumed this science under a general sociological view of science. Fortunately for the progress of mankind this is to an large extent not so easy as it is made. Concerning Einstein I like to point out, that he got his Nobel prize for his breakthrough article on quantum theory, applying the quantum hypothesis to photons. He adhered to a statistical interpretation of quantum theory, as the proposal of giving up the concept of "causality" for something like "symmetry" and its breaking seemed to him giving up the attempt to understand the world, which not only in his eyes is the heart of science. Of course some people will argue that that was not the intention of Bohr and Heisenberg, but Einstein thought it to be - in my eyes on some solid grounds. Further it is to remark, that the problem he was working on in his late years, a unified field theory - concerning electromagnetism and gravitation, is still not settled in a satisfactory way. I mention it because in the literature more or less people say he could have gone fishing - in such a way doubting his creativity - after his publication of the general theory of relativity in 1915. He died 1955. This may go in such statements on "wunderkinder" as quoted in the beginning. There are some models due to Kaluza and Klein needing at least 5 dimension, so at least one, time is counted as one, has to be hidden, compactified so tiny that it is les than the relation of uncertainty allows. This is of course contrary to common sense and experience. In physics there are more candidates solving problems with mathematical models not amenable to empirical verification - needing more energy than the sun has for experimental affirmation for example. greetings Harald Wenk -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of .+oot7AM martini Sent: Mittwoch, 9. August 2006 07:54 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze Here are some various lectures by Robert Sapolsky that I have found. they have helped me understand some of the various subtle parts of the brain's chemical balance that actually touches on much of our discussions generally. I realize that much of what we talk about here is not broadly known and sounds rather esoteric and unconventional. Sapolsky is very well known neuro-ethologist researcher who is a lecturer also and he also loves Bob Marley too(!!). His research tends to be regarded as a "scientification" of freudian psychology but he has a knack for effortlessly bringing his scientific lectures into the current political realm. Sapolsky's new book "monkeyluv" (sic, wink-wink!) has some very interestig chapters regarding music which should go very nicely with deleuze and pinhas. here: All in all it is very enjoyable... (this is going to be great, hold on here it comes...) ----------------------------------------------------- Robert Sapolsky TTC - Biology and Human Behavior - Neurological Origins of Individuality - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19. The Neurobiology of Aggression I.mp3 - notes for 19. human subjects as species of animals short term aggression stems from limbic centers long term planned aggression from frontal cortex confusion of sexuality and violence. using buckets instead of terrible catagories amygdala centers -------------------------------------------------------- 20. The Neurobiology of Aggression II.mp3 - notes20. emotional behavior and the frontal cortex the harder-thing vs easier-thing shorterm cheap easy payoff vs long term payoff Phineas Gage (1840s) and REM sleep, late maturation of the frontal cortex, dopamine rise, LTP, hold on here it comes! gratification postponment.. pension plans, environmental ethology for aggression the harder-thing as violence --------------------------------------- 21. Hormones and Aggression.mp3 - notes for 21. testosterone and estrogen, lorenz violence caused by resource limitation "behavioral fat" when aggression disinhibited empathy (theory of mind) socially taught aggression (harlow) --------------------------------------- 22. Early Experience and Aggression.mp3 - notes 22. Kohlberg's stages of moral development, it might interest hwenk to read about extreme "post-conventional" stages where the neurological model falls apart (re: kirkagaard "being a christian consists of being able to hold two contradictory facts in your head at the same time") baboon's breeding a culture of non-aggression with female leadership. --------------------------------------- 23. Evolution, Aggression, and Cooperation.mp3 - notes for 23. desert monotheism vs rainforest deism and hierarchical violence. evolution and aggression, pseudo kinship band of brothers, us vs them, U.S. golf war propaganda, neuro-manipulation. beduin rituals and the limbic system. female power ethology. the game theory of evolutionary altruism. --------------------------------------- 12. Cooperation, Competition, and Neuroeconomics.mp3 - notes for 12. i included this here to complete some of the Nash game theory discussion that 23 leaves off with. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives: _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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