Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:41:25 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze I am getting very excited about bringing this back to deleuze and pinhas.. there is so much information mounting and it is sticking together very nicely, well there is a lot of flab that must be rendered still. I am trying to block out new information and I dont quite get the drift of where einstein fits in yet, but I will think about it and see, maybe you could make an effort to tie this together since you have brought it up.? As for now, some of the lines of thought that are converging very nicely along the aieon and the chronos do seem to traverse religion (as 1-to-2 potential of 3) and the lebanon crisis, I am very surprized by this and look forward to explaining these connections once I can articulate them clearly. I am not there yet and it is the poetry of that meaning that is bouncing in my head right now. Particularly I am interested in the brain as BwO and also the special mechanics of the ear and to compare that to the mechanics of reterritorialization that deleuze and pihnas painfully discuss. the term is so common in dyg's writting but I have not read anything else that gets into the very mechanics of that process (esp. regarding the 1 and 2). In an effort to subvert the pretzelbrain's tendency to get mystical I have found Nash's Games to be a backdoor to that same domain. the game, which is a psychological 3rd, plays both the 1 and the 2 together and I am imagining that the choice of deteritorialziation (vs re-terr...) is a choice to opt out of the game, that terrible game we are asked to play which pretends to be a definition of consciousness. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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