To: <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:44:30 +0200 Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze Hello, I do not not know anything about wordless communication without any other sense contact, ears or eyes. The convention I meant was to identify oneself for sake of reference of further communication. And the discussion on the level of the brain and the innner struggle and crisis caused by neurotransmitters and function defence resulting from brain grow in avoidance and projectiv ascribing to people which get as such much more agression as it is to see caused by their actions. In regard of the intelligence of th epeople the lot of fight against one another is more than puzzling, as the advantages of cooperation, where almost the whole of human devolpment relies on, are so obvious. Therfore some illumination on the level of physical, biological, neurobilogical, brain growing inner pains and struggles projected to outward is more than interseting. Especially if one wants, as Deleuze and Guattari and me, turn this instead the production of i fine, stable psychic matter - brain and psychic rhizome. As we are used in computer programming, one little mistake gives mostly a lot of following erros, which will vanish, sometimes in social reality more slowly, in finding the real cause. That was also the origianl ambition of Marx in taking radical as coming, as it really is, from root (radix). A rhizom is also a root. And still there are these emails are unsigned with strange, changing adresses. The other conventions are known, to be polite and to make as much and easy understanadble, also in intention, what is wanted to be said. greetings Harald Wenk -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of .+oot7AM martini Sent: Freitag, 4. August 2006 17:44 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze nobody is saying such a ting as dat... lemme take the time to make a very obvious statement: I have just used words and conventions to make my point. (When meanwhile the point you made was against convention and you did not use a single words to describe that imaginary convention.) ... which is why I give you the benefit of the doubt by believing in a wordless communication. Seems you wish to destroy that bridge, unless you actually do presume that there is some religious discussion that is important here. So what is it... tell us more, I wish to have faith that there is substance below.... You have a fantastic imagination but you must burst this solipsistic bubble that obscures your powerful mind from joining in rhyzomatic orgasm. It feels like you are trying to argue with the words you pretend to put in my mouth, why waste our space here like this? there is a whole world that you exist with. there is a "we" an "our" and an "us" also.... we do not have to be in imaginary opposition, the things I say are a part of what you say, can you not see that we even agree on the despotic self? so why go against this revelation? The wiki article on "oriental despotism" was very bad and I have taken the initiative to add some info, perhaps you would care to continue this non-deluezian topic at that other forum? Also about Lebanon... why is it that the man Chomsky has become the most reliable source for informative news in all of the media? I am not disagreeing but only questioning this sad fact. Meanwhile in the U.S. the harmony is not so perfect. In New york there have been massive electrical failures with blocks of citygrid going black for upto 12 hours. The uptown neurobiological labs have suffered, and their frozen storage chambers have begun to unthaw, that damage is undeterminable, but data accuracy is now jeopardized. Perhaps if the university was not located in the poor neighborhoods then it would have been spared. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives: _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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