Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:11:11 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] FW: Carnival and Violence overcoming vulgata in an effort to leave that polemical plateau where children become the subject of racial analysis let me throw wenk another fishng line.... so that the real sharks can feed on the zombified brains of boys and girls who have not bothered to learn their grandmother's tongue. We have 6,000 spoken languages on our planet, mostly equatorial. One becomes extinct every 2 weeks... but, lemme get backto my point, distractions. here is a review of a new book on spinoza and political theory: brockman's, and indeed most of brockman's efforts for the last 30 years are extremely interesting and truely problematic. (his wiki-bio also reveals a unique perspective on the 60's anti-counter-culture and how because of him it has grown into today's consumer crazy "Wired Magazine" lifestyle-technologies, similar to the tel quel trajectory from foucault.) With the unwitting help of some of the biggest names in the science community (dawkins minski, dennet etc...) he has fashioned an almost believable notion of a "third culture" that presses onwards, blindly, yet with the blessing of an imaginary clear conscious. I don't really understand it myself, but, in this review of goldstein's spinoza book it can be seen that the limits of reason are at once tied to the inverse limits of ethics - does goldstein (et brockman, etc), do they, actually summon the anti-spinoza, or can spinoza really be credited for fashioning this so-called "ethics of ignorance", an ethics which has gone on to assist the lockean project which limits perception to the vocabulary of reason, a childish digital-vocabulary, cute and harmless and under- developed, a vocabulary of "digital choices" vs "physical spectrum", it becomes oedipal and as such it is guided by some bizarre parental equatorial narrative.??? does this not undermine the very (in)tention of reason, or can reason, like a voodoo ("to overcome racialist ideology" via spain 1492), provide that unique mechanical form that allows the BwO to flow beyond its own (de)tentional zones ?? It sounds like a silly game to lure faith under a rock and away from the living fire. ---- note, see wiki entry on "oriental despotism" for more about equetorial racist ideology from ancient greece... also note, I have updated the wiki entry for "wooden iron" in there is a discussion forum where our differences can be battled out, a'la mech-warriors who cannot "die" because they are not living. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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