Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 12:03:08 -0700 To: <> Subject: Re: [D-G] Carnival and Violence hello rumagin, you might want to look at D and G's What is Philosophy for a more nuanced account of geopolitical intersections. Also worth turning to Braudel for much of the underpinning logic of flows in the long duree. I originally trained as a historian and while I have long since dumped content specific causal links i think it important not to dump the specificity of the case. I am intrigued by what you mean by dysfunctional. Are you implying a residual functionality or moral law? Maybe there is room in your study for some political analysis of the contracts and duties specific to Trinidad and Tobago? Maybe there is some dissonance between indiginous and western codes that has not yet hybridized into a new form of functionality? best wishes ruth.c nb superdragon refers to a moment in Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The text opens with Zarathustra opposing the dragon of Christian morality but later Nietzsche suggests that the Superman needs a superdragon. The superman can not turn up in timely ways. However, I take the superdragon as an objectile palimpsest of (perspectival) values that can. we are not your usual dragon Sloughing one's skin.-The snake that cannot slough its skin perishes. Likewise spirits which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be spirits (Nietzsche: Daybreak:V:573) --- wrote: From: Dylan Kerrigan <> To: Subject: [D-G] Carnival and Violence Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 12:59:18 -0400 Thank you all who responded, the emails are all useful and extremely divergent. The haitian examples are important, but because of my geographical choice of Trinidad and Tobago they relate to a distinct historical schema, as such they more inform my thinking than offer a parallel. What super dragon (i love dragons) says about it not being "necessary to establish a relational content specific link between capitalism and the specificity of the crimes-this would return it to an arborescent schema but it could be possible to map the crimes geopolitically, that is emerging in an intersection of forces" helps because the link between carnival and violence, while productive in a machinic, coupling sense is not causal. Violence as Hannah Arendt shows in Eichmann in Jerusalem is often the result of different cogs moving together at the same time to produce finalities greater than the actions of one person alone. these i believe are Dragons's geopolitical, intersection of forces, rhizomes and thousand plateuxs whose products are never linear. Dr Crawboney too gets that later, when he talks of echoes, different spheres and the spritual/territorial. I would perhaps suggest that this is not where haiti is unique but rather this is where the Caribbean as a whole is unique, islands who connect to every country in the world. Very little of the indigenous populations remains most souls and stories have been transplanted - Africans, French Creoles, Lebanese, Indians, Chinese, the list is longer than my mind. the violence must relate to capital - to schizophrenia - to rhizomes beneath whose surface come up and intersect a history that has no western linear narrative. Unfortuantely for Adline's impressive demonstration of deleuzian thinking it confuses a person territorialised in this present cultural world. perhaps one day i will be able to communicate answers to this that others may also understand, but for now i use your response as an example of how difficult the task is to map the intersection of forces. Mr Wenk makes points others have but in his own way. first i would say that the public discourse of police, the judiciary, psychologists and politicians mark the general violence in society, its increase too - as random, which following ethnographic research i have undertaken i would counter. the violence is not random, people do not just walk up to someone they dont know and proceed to murder them because they are smiling or playing cards. Headlines may textualise the violence and produce such sentiment but this is to create fear, fear to maintain the hegemonic status quo because random violence requires hard talk, and tough action. but the connection between forces, between sexualised beautiful naked bodies, between grotesque mutilated dead bodies, between road accidents everyday, between the profit motive in carnival as opposed to the artistic motive, to the fact Trinidad is the no.1 supplier of Liquid natural gas to US in the world, to the impact of a disapora which touches many of the world's largest cities, to the influx of different peoples that made the repopulating of the island possible after colonialism wiped out the indigenous souls, to their echo, to much much more - these are the different cogs that go together to produce the action of one person to murder another, to commit crimes, to do violence on the rest of us. These are the parts of a machine that produces, that says the system itself is dysfunctional and will only manufacture products which are so to thanks again, more comments are great, but maybe i confused it some more. best rumagin _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives: _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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