File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0609, message 5

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 06:19:06 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [D-G] Archive: the Archives

this is pretty wild writing. do you ever blog?  its extraordinary writing.must be fili houtmann

adline vanlindenbergh <> wrote:  

I am not yet growing better now that time had spaced and the carnival
On the way inside of the voudoo dancers my shakespeare multimedia
operated O Pere hated, you that shook my Mother braceless swimming
in an Ocean of lava. the plumulgated shakespeariean
Mirinda crouched Caliban daughters on the Temple and the casual residual 
acid rained on
frontheads dis guized wide open
rain crashes, along side telepheric puberian Uncles
at chouma, doing sport and loosening the tissues
Cautioning, the defrost Doctor of help slowly of membranes
deep within inferior skulls and the bassin braced

the car took a U turn and we got back inside the Hollywoodian temple.

The forest of crystal was immobiolizing the generous donators of Images
cheap experiencing the TV for the first time
on. Then came the turnpike towards downtown Los Angeles, the car lost a
wheel and we entered the dangerous zone. Suddenly Iran rose, and frowned
at our imbecilic moustache 
hazarduously ventured to gate nine, flying inside an airspike called
plane, which
screwed me really in the bossom. Madonna on a giant screen 
was limaciousalee playing with an antenna and Israel stood against and
against Europa.

The Blizoid Madonna adorned a plastic tissue but
we carried on until the emergency unit wherin six snow white dwarfs
where as nurses.

God was all this this and Idea came and speeded across a plane of

Bullet proof anti aerian French commodore welcomed the Haitian marmelade
when Sitting in row pledge balkanoid arboricophiles marvelled at sight.

As again the penis suffocated and dances his did insider of the Night
unto three Rhodesian upcomer in salopette.

When the Moon shown everyone that it was Midday and it was so hot,
we came as a bath and dwellers roared inside our waters.

Pepee strelli loaved and won the two teams of cross country extremist
sport addictiver to low stress muscular engine
streatching the lower limbus, abarostrateli cal engine, astrolatelical

at two schizophrenic whores
immarginated under two stealthy sieves of glass
pressed as sandwishes
ham, butter, mayonesa,
Carnivale, carabinean, cartoutcha

pressed together as sand witches delivium called Israel that the gates
of Misraim at opened wance again.

The slaves called Teheran and this obsession
to wither around was a sign sent by the telepheric that the states in
panick straight were .

Growing better now, I was with my penis in front of my Mother, and she
asked me
to hold it while
the pee of Father crumbled in chunks of blood on my stomack

God was unhappy totally at the result of his Idea.

He said:

Fifi you are Evil and I pray you are contrite.

I said yes Amen G-D I pray you now what you do for
this is not easy, and I am your succumbus.

Albion felt, and Milton jumped.
As a result Ina waved a clothe and her virgin
sculpture for a deep resonating eventful moment seized My Father who
tried to hold America 

it's enough
adline vanlindenbergh

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