To: <> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:22:16 +0200 Subject: Re: [D-G] Tune of the little child - Childhood and Fear - Lacan and Hello Dr. cb, NEUROLOGY; BAD CONSCIOUSNESS; FEARS AND LONG CHILDHOOD I agree perfectly with you, that the real important insight and issue is, that neurological pains and negativities in thinking and feeling are bound do build something like bad consciousness and fears which gives the easy to rule or socialization and normalization of people to the mega machine, the division of work and the common habits. But, even for the good functioning of the mega machine: There is to much fear an bad consciousness. This to much bad consciousness make efforts of liberating from it to crude, brute and has easy the social consequence of becoming some freak or outsider or to come in general opposition to the mainstream of society. And people suffer much to much and have unnecessary conflicts within themselves and with others. And the power of thinking and acting of people, their real freedom, stays very limited or is without connection to others. Thinking about it, I got the impression, there are really very, very few who are interested in such an amount of fears. I think this insight is also the liberating force of the philosophy of the Anti-Oedipe and Mille Plateaux. In the Anti-Oedipe, the Oedipus complex is taken for that operation - TURNING NEUROLOGY IN BAD CONSCIOUSNESS. Now the Oedipus complex functions on the basis and background a long dependency in the weakness of the childhood of man. To be more precise, the operation of building a bad consciousness has its basis and background in this long childhood. The Oedipus complex is the hypothesis Freud worked out, but it may work also in other ways. The long habit of being dependent, to have to ask someone for permission if you want to do something, and the habit of having fear because one is always confronted with situations, circumstances and information "one is to little for", an indeed, there is much you cannot comprehend as a child. Now, the learning by incorporating through long training by habits is a very convincing and solid mean to have an considerable effect. This is in my eyes the real "empiricist" or Anglo Saxonian tribute to philosophy. And look, Deleuze and Guattari are also fans of this procedure. If you are adult you always expect that there is some law or some right or some permission you have to obey or to struggle with, if you want to do something and you always expect that you have to ask the "experts" if there is a question, for only the "experts" know. This also concerns the feelings and conflicts in your soul and with your partners, you have to ask psychologists who will explain you, what is "really going on" and what you and your desires really are, driven by the hard to know unconsciousness. And if they do not know further, then come the neurobiologists and psychiatrists with their medicine drugs. This is the limitation of acting and thinking concrete. If we accept this, it is no wonder that the bad feelings of and structures do not, fall if the theory of Oedipus is not longer convincing by critique. The long childhood stays. So, it is no wonder that "to make Oedipus dead" was a task to big for D&G. The desire of liberating from experts and autonomous gives a tendency, to make the notions of psychology so simple and easy to understand, that everyone can handle them. This is perfectly done in Spinozas "Ethic". Guattari critiques the mathematician Rene Thom in "The machinistic unconsciousness", that the application of mathematics is to complicated for human praxis - I mean human to human. STRIVE TO DEATH First, the references (Deleuze Guattari and Lacan) concerning the "Strive to death or tendency of sell destruction" At all times it has bothered and still does, that people are doing so much unfavorable to themselves, especially if one takes in account the revenge of people badly treated by them. Also the keeping health of the body of mind is cultivated very little compared to the knowledge and even cheap possibilities. This strong tendencies have puzzled man of "reason" of all times. First one thought you only have to tell them the right knowledge and the undeniable advantages and avoidance of pain and suffer and they will to it at once. This does not happen. This comes even stronger out since the invention and massive practice of psychoanalysis and other psychological talk techniques. Freud himself, strongly influenced by natural science and neurology and strongly impressed by the first world but also by his in a way little quote of healings with his patients. The psychoanalytic cures are during very long (10 years are not seldom) and it is very rare that you can say the complex has really vanished. So this is the problem to explain, added by the problem of dying not only on cell aging, but other sicknesses. AS you can image, psychologist and psychiatrists are searching for a deep and massive explanation for such hard obstacles. "The strive to death", going back to Freud, finally stops at biology or neurology or even chemistry and physics. But the connection to physics gives why to get something of the "non organic life" - of silicium for example, which is envisioned by Deleuze and Guattari. At is it probable, that this long Email is not fully read: Kundalini Yoga does a lot against aging, especially by enhancing the numbers and quality of the synapses in the spinal cord, here especially behind the navel(Mainipura) and, very very important in the neck, where a lot of nerves to an from the head an running. The tendency in general to let overtake the Neocortex the functions of the body, combining it with the limbic and autonomous system are supported and enhanced by the asana and panayama practices, especially concerning the spinal cord. This gives a better "Body without organs" - the nerve cells acting together as a whole network regardless their function for the organs. As in "How to make a Body without organs" in Mille Plateaux is sated by Deleuze and Guattari: "You have to make you an body without organs, it is a question of age and youth, of life and death" Affirming that you see, the place of Kundalini Yoga in enhancing the happiness of mankind by improving health and giving longer and more intensive life is in a way really central. Apart from looking the division of function of the brain expresses also the ability to subside functions from one part of the brain to another or easy to build up new function sup to sense enhancing and "new senses". I can tell you, this all takes really place as an effect of long term regular yoga practices. BODY WITHOUT ORGANS In a letter "Letter to Uno: How we work together as two", Deleuze declares he and Felix Guattari had different interpretations of the notion "Body without organs" till the end. there are two references to the body without organs in Deleuze Guattari. The first is the second section of the first chapter of the Anti-Oedipe and the second is the already cited "How to make a body without organs" from Mille plateaux. In the Anti-Oedipe the BWO also functions as "anti production" in the analogy with "The Kapital" (as described by Marx). LACAN AND EY ON SELF DESTRUCTION AND PSYCHIC CAUSALITY As you referred to Lacan/ `Feud and Deleuze and especially Guattari are strongly influenced by Lacan (categorized asl"Left-Laacanism") the text to "strive to death" or "tendencies of self destruction" I read is: "Talk concerning the psychic causality", from 1946 in Ecrits III. Here he reports about his dissertation which handles a case a paranoid psychosis as self punishment. He also discusses the very important and in France very influential neurobiological theory of his teacher Henry Ey of a functional disorder and dissolution of the "I" on a neurological level as reason for schizophrenia. There is also very important considerations of phases of "traumatic" identifications as subjectvations driven by neurobiological brain processes. In the eyes of Lacan, Henry Ey and other neurbiologists deny a psychic causality and try to understand all out of neurology, the psychology is more an effect of this brain chemistry and brain electric. THE LONG WEAKNESS IN CHILDHOOD AS FEAR DRIVEN SUBJECTVATIONS The picture of the child singing a tune in order to build some own world is very poetic and lies at the root of the definition of the ritournelle. It is out of some "conditio humana" or living being at all, most animal are flight animals and the others are haunters. It is also at the very root of psychogenesis and subjectvations, Freud stars with noticing the very long time of depended childhood vastly dominated by lack of information, knowledge and economical dependence. This has lead to stories that the Dschenings Khan as ruler of the world still feared his old mother - as she could beat him as a helpless child. This argument is actually taken up in favor for the child by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a former Mister Universum, rich and success politician and actor, in the debate about proposal for a law concerning the right of physical punishment of childs by its parents. His Republic party widely disagrees with him in this point and gives the proposal no chance to be realized . He brings some personal experience going into the conviction. So it has in my eyes still some point. The strategy of "trapping the young foxes", to structure a child or person at times it has no chance to defend because the task goes far beyond its abilities - maybe because of a subjective state of acute vulnerability and crisis - is at the very heart of anti human behavior. Therefore it is also some protest concerning the treatment of people which have more often such crisis. Her the attempt to get the phases of under control, regarding time and intensity is understandable. Far more effective and better looks the attempt to develop sure and solid techniques to handle such phases of subjectvations whenever they occur. CHAOSMOSE AND THE POLITICS OF FEAR The fear of the child is generalized in two ways: First philosophical by Deleuze following Kant : We only want to bring some order to chaos, which has its origin in the unbearness of the experience of the chaos such. This come s also out in the book on Foucault of Deleuze, and the notion of "Chaosmose" which Guattari takes for his last book. The second, more political one is "The politic of fears", which is also a title of Massumi and is indeed at the very core of existence of modern man. Already the old one knew: "The mind is moved by hope and fear" (for example Spinoza). Freud in his writings starts indeed noticing the whole education and building of the character of the human being is determined by the fact of his long childhood with its dependence on the parents and lots of fears - there is so much we do not know as child and we do not even know which effects it could have, so there is lot of fear. This effect becomes greater, like nowadays the experience through cultural and technological development is far less obvious, natural and elf explaining gas in former times. CONSTRUCTIVISM AND THE MEGA MACHINE This is a little bit how I understand the "Mega machine" comes in. There is a remark of Nietzsche on Spinoza that Spinoza has put on amour with his complicated larine mathematic like demonstrations. This indeed had function, but you got often little impression what Spinoza felt and thought. On his ring the was "caute" - Be aware. Now the style of Spinoza has become in a certain way the way of expression of the scientific world, which made the difference between the things one like to express and the expression itself often very technical and "artificial". In an earlier email I expressed that this is also the case for the language of Deleuze and Guattari. Now in a certain way it is not technical enough, for, as you rightly remark, the bridge to the notions of neurobiology is not made - which would help understanding a lot. I see the reason for this in the attempt to use mostly concepts from mind or free of a mind - body relation and second in the attempt to cover over indvidual, group and social feelings and actions directly without going back to the bound to an individual brain. Like the notion of a Mega machine. Here you are right, that one often has the feeling it is not oneself who expresses oneself, but a position in a mega machine setting: As a teacher I have to say to you as a pupil that taxes are necessary. Probably either teacher nor the pupil is real interested in taxes. But probably both have the feeling that it is important and one has to know about in order to know what is going on in society and politics and survive and orientate in it. This is what Marx called "Entfremdung" - to get foreign to oneself. This notion played a big role in his early writings which in turn played a big role in the western, especially German reception of Marx. PATHIC AND "BECOMING FOREIGN" (HEGEL AND MARX) 21st CENTURY SCHIZOID MAN (SONG BY ROBERT FRIPP WITH KING CRIMSON IN THE 1970ies) - SCHIZOPHRENIA EXPRESSING THIS TENDENCY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY AND ALSO THE SUBJECTVATIONS ON THE LEVEL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIC REALITY (DELEUZE AND GUATTARI IN ATNTI OEDIPE 1972) Things are really a bit complicated, of course there are a lot of narrative ways from tradition, in India the Mahabarata, Sufi tales, poetry in a lot of forms, Philosophers like Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, La Rochefoucauld. But one cannot deny that the development of science, especially psychology, sociology and neurobiology has brought a lot of insights which are hard to express in an adequate way by narratives - especially concerning quantities. This has lead to incorporate mathematics, often statistics. The mathematical notion of a manifold taken up by Bergson and Deleuze is an attempt to build a bridge to mathematics on a conceptual level - a way to carry the insights over in both directions. But, and this is really important in neurobiology, the fear is often neural driven, are effects from the brain chemistry. This is the reason why most people take drugs, medical or others and make sports. yoga or other things with high effects on the brain. the believe in talking cures" like psychoanalysis is very little. This is also the reason why morals could possibly exchanged by medicine, yoga or other techniques - (brain)somapsychich techniques. On the other hand, by thinking right and make good strategic decisions concerning friends, work, milieu, interests, habits one can reach a happy life and overcome fear much easier. But now it is really enough for today. greetings Harald Wenk -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of .+oot8am wakeup Sent: Mittwoch, 4. April 2007 08:34 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Deleuze, electronic music and Deleuzian theory of body Hi, I confess to know nothing of death drives. I have read about them and think they are strange explainations for phenomena that can be explained clearly without resorting to them.... tho I am intrigued by your comments about the whistling of children in fear. Without thnking toomuch I'd look for some scaleable relationships. especially b/c the Body is without organs I tend to see BwO as a scalable type. It is important that DyG present the BwO against the megamachine; and territorialization of human psychology can be cruel and self-destructive like some "Lucifer Effect" described by Zimbardo's Stanford Univ.prison experiments. (listen to Zimbardo interview at DemocracyNow.Org) the destructive effects are so additive/recursive and are so connected to language and the passions which languaage describe mentally. it escalates often in perverse negative narrative of emotional roll-playing, completely organic and separate from those hazzards presented by the megamachine. Indeed the megamachine is born from this and that already is. So there is allways biopower reflecting zoepower to some degree. Now I believe the destructive aspects of the BwO are concentrated by the megamachine and all psychology can do is help systematized real experience as territory. But if you want to look at the BwO perhaps its materialist aspects are best, which is the brain, the neurology, can it provide literal reference? The aging-process and the brain is probably the biggest territory in institutional neurbiology. Howard Hughs and his crackpot schemes to live forever are really the 1940's origin of America's over-funded & yet high ranking neurology technology industry. Becoming conscious of how our minds fall apart is such an anti-hinduistic vision but it seems a valid one ever since history has slipped through the looking glass of ww2. even the historical myths are literal validations of these processes. I dont intend to refer to a some bicameral breakdown here, but there is a clear hydraulic quality to how the mind sees itself, mythologizes itself as consciousness, whether it be a consciousness that seeks procreation, survival, or suicide. -cb _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives: _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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