Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 18:41:24 -0500 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] 1949 Diss. on Spinoza and Vedanta Dear Harald, I am on the editorial board of the journal of electroneurobiology and have a little knolwedge of the importance of the brain as an electroneurobiological organ. The force carriers of psyches certainly interact with brains by way of overlapping fields but that is not something I will pursue here....I am certainly not a specialist. See Mariela Szirko: Effects of Relativistic motions on the brain and their physiological bearing And Mario Crocco: Palindrome for an outline of a tradition that does not reduce psyches to brains...but neither does it not ignore them. greetings, PB From: hwenk <> To: Sent: Tuesday, 13 January, 2009 11:34:04 PM Subject: Re: [D-G] 1949 Diss. on Spinoza and Vedanta Dear Mr. Paul Bains, I don't wish to critize our valuable Mrs. Stengers, on the contrary, I desired to blame politics and econmics to be in state that a prominent natural scholar like Professor Stengers ist forced by the incredible bad politics to the disavantage to almost all people to leave her beloved reseaches on chemistry, mathematics, phyiscs, especially non-equilibrium thermodynamics. For a translater of Guattari you comments on his standard in neurology solution of the brain as the nid of the psyche are almost hateful. Are you really that "Paul Bains"? D&G, especially Deleuze, overtook "esse is percipii" from Berkely and high valuated Whitehead, whose prehension, just the same, goes back to Hume's contraction, which in turn is used very central in "What is philosophy" by D&G. The last seemed to have found some mercy in your eyes, looking at your last emails. Indeed there is sense perception and you have to think a little or doing yoga, to percept more than usual what is going on in the body including the brain. I like to inform you, as you seem to be not very aquainted with the esoteric, european or non-european tradition, that the psyche is bound to the electrical field there among others. Therefore EEGs of the brain have some scientific and medical use. Some "Magical" for "Magicians" too (occuring in 1000 Plateaus "Becoming animal..."). But, how does Spinoza expressed it: "We don't want to give more nourishing to superstition". The stratas are temiogened by tomographies and by liasons of the brain it is sure, that abilities of the psyche are bound, at least with important parts, to parts of the brain. Indeed eben neuro mathematics works with the stratic Linsker-model, among others, of course. A bit difficult, even foer very advanced matheamtics, as themordynamics, made for heat diffusion, has no strata in general. But thermodymnic is the most advanced theory to handle such a high numeber of relativ independent particels. Nerve impules in the magnitude of trillions are only to compare with gaz theory. Mathematically, in a strata the nerve impuleses are not independent, the "traffic" with neurons belonging to the strata has much more intensity and probalibity (grasping the "virtual") than between the stratas. Here more "compact", as in the definition in 1000 Plateaus "Geology of morals", may mean more intensity or probability of firing in a neuron strata - even virtual. in an approbiat probality measur space for example. Modelled out or in accordance with empirical data. In the pure Aristotelian tradition, the material heart is the sit of the psyche. Excuse me, but with the present data from brain research and neurology: if there is an anatomical sit, the choice of the brain is unavoidable as main nid. The electric field - psyche correspondence is the background for the fierce struggle on the "aether" as medium for the light propagation - electromagnetic waves. Even the best mathamticans and physicists like to speculate in the 19. century about the world soul - aether - electromsagnetism, solving the body-psyche problem. They knew about Volta's frog tadpoles moved by electrical currents. But a field is there even without or very little waves - the "victorious" intuition of Einstein, Faraday and Maxwell. You know that Thomas Pynchon still fights the case of an aether with the weapons of a literat. greetings Dr. rer, Nat. Harald Wenk PS: I am no friend o the"Zeit" critics on "Fractals, Chaos and Solitons", on the contrary. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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