Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 11:23:11 -0500 To: <> Subject: [D-G] NEW TITLE: The Essential Zizek NEW TITLE: The Essential Zizek SLAVOJ ZIZEK Slavoj Zizek: maverick philosopher, author of over 30 books and today=B9s most controversial public intellectual. His work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and political theory, taking in film, popular culture, literature and jokes, providing an acute analysis of the complexities of contemporary ideology as well as a serious and sophisticated philosophy. Now Verso are making four of his classic titles that stand as the core of his life=B9s work available as new editions, including new introductions from Zizek. They are the essential texts for understanding Zizek=B9s thought and cornerstones of contemporary philosophy. THE FRAGILE ABSOLUTE: OR WHY IS THE CHRISTIAN LEGACY WORTH FIGHTING FOR? First published in 2001, but still timely, Zizek=B9s defence of the revolutionary core of the Christian legacy marked the beginning of his long standing engagement with theology. THE TICKLISH SUBJECT: THE ABSENT CENTRE OF POLITICAL ONTOLOGY A systematic exposition of the foundations of Zizek=B9s philosophy and a detailed and rigorous confrontation with the predominant notions of the subject. THE PLAGUE OF FANTASIES Zizek explores the role of fantasy in the proliferation of audiovisual media. THE SUBLIME OBJECT OF IDEOLOGY His first book in English from 1989 remains his bestselling and most influential. An incendiary and original examination of human agency and its relationship to ideology. SLAVOJ ZIZEK is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. For more information, see Verso=B9s website: <> --------------------------- STOP PRESS: Amazon bargains! The four titles are available as a set for =A340/$75 but for a limited period are offering the set at a bargain =A311.99 =AD get them while the discount remains! <> Also available on currently at $47.25 <> ---------------------------- For individual copies: THE SUBLIME OBJECT OF IDEOLOGY PB 978-1-84467-300-1, =A314.99/$22.95 <> <> THE TICKLISH SUBJECT PB 978-1-84467-301-8, =A314.99/$26.95 <> <> THE PLAGUE OF FANTASIES PB 978-1-84467-303-2, =A312.99/$22.95 <> <> THE FRAGILE ABSOLUTE PB 978-1-84467-302-5, =A312.99/$22.95 <> <> -------------------------------------------- Rowan Wilson Sales and Marketing Manager Verso 6 Meard Street London W1F 0EG Phone: +44 (0)20 7437 3546 Fax: +44 (0)20 7734 0059 email: <> _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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