To: <> Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 19:20:58 +0100 Subject: Re: [D-G] 1949 Diss. on Spinoza and Vedanta The time thing is different. Time off the rational > calandar is still a durational register. The identification with > advaiata desired in the Vedanta tradition fails in so far as no > single aggregaate could become equal to the unequal of pure > ordinality. However, the sense of not having a skin or means of > differentiating self from cosmos can be experienced in psychosis > and mystical experience. So more a question of inhabiting a time > that feels like no time than no time as such. Before I give a more elaborate reply, let me mention this ref., before I forget: Brett, C. (2002). Psychotic and mystical States of Being: Connections and Distinctions. In Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 9.4: 321-341. Just for who cares. Best wishes, Wouter K _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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