To: <> Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 20:58:17 +0100 Subject: [D-G] The famous Japanese Philosopher Nishida pre-Deleuzien Dear group, To show, that meditation enhances the intellectual and literal abilities, I invoke the famous and very influentual Japanese Philosopher Nishida (1870-1945). He was in a zen monastry for some time, which he left "quite advanced", as his master judged. More interesting from a philosophical point is, that in the german edition of one of his core essays, "Logik des Ortes" (logic of place, Japanese edition 1926), the german editor Elbersfeld plainly claims a rhizomatic thinking of Nishida. As in 1000 Plateaus the orient or east is said to be more rhizomatic in culture, this is a very a striking prove. Nishida was first strongly influenced by german philosophy, especially the leading one at his time, neo Kantianism of the Rickert school (S=FCdwestdeutsche). He recipted Hegel and Ficht too, but was far more original than he thought to be. It may be of interest, that he plainly confesses an intellectual followership to german philosophy as the leading one at that time for Japan. The main argument, to see the "conciousness" or "subjectivity" as a "place", is hidden neurolgical in the same line as I argued subjectivity being a strata in the brain because of the electromagnetic dominated structure of the atoms and and the light, so that the percepting "place" (the strata) and the object percepted have something objective in common. He speaks of a "field of conciousness" in similarity to the quantum or electromagnetic field (p.81). He argues, in a way like Spinoza, that form and material is different and their relation is variable. As he distincts subject-object from form-material he has something like Hjemslevs double articulation grid and a "stratification" of language. He has a form generating instance, seperating the material of the form from the actual fullifillg, therby giving the infinite form, which inherits no number. (The properties of th notion "cup", the essence of a cup, is different from ascribing an object being a cup. The numbrer of cups indefinit as in almost all notions, in theoretical settings it can be infinite. This is the same in D&G "What is philosophy") Nishida has the argument of the conciousness as a mirror, which occurs in D&G two times: in the "mirror stade" of the child and the tendency of a cell to "mirrror", with light perception, as soon as possible the outer world. So, the line of interpretation as a pre Deleuzinan-Guattari thinker who thought rhizomatic and uses partly the same arguments is in my eyes fully justified. To take up a word of my Lacan Professors (Bormann): "If you think sober...." are ending at a D&G like, rhizomatic phlosophy. I mean, the often tried to make ridicolous cite of Foucault: "May be, one day the century will be Deleuzian" has thus more philosophical impact, than our blocking academic philosophy is willing to allow. But, I repeat it, the actual invokement of neurology in philosophy makes a further marginalization of our most advanced natural-science and neurology including philosophy of D&G more and more an open act of science and ethico political suppression. It's more scientfic and less "Doxa" character becomes more clear. For short, Nishida sems o have been very informed about quantum theory and neurology, using them in the same "abstract" philosophical manner as Spinoza and Kant and other philosophers as necesary backgrond, recognizable for the informed but hard to see or even to suspect for the uninformed novice. This general tendency, hidden neurolgy, physical atomism up to very actual details for phlosophical writings, is present inHusserl and other philosophers too. In my eyes, this is a very strong hindrance, as philosophy is highly controversal on the surface, so that the common shared neurolgical and physical, some times psychological background is bound to make things more science and less "doxa". The conterversial "dixa" charcter is so some sort of "circus", veiling the validity of the arguments and their reciprocal common acceptance. Nive, he does not see some politics of academics or the possibilty for it as strong movens. As students of philosophy spent a lot of years with their study, learning a "doxa" open to be at least ignored or even defeated is a very poor state of affairs, due additional to the will to keep science out of of real political, ethico moral and econmical decions. Not to speak of the padagogical catasrophe, which has been effected in the heads of the poor students of philosophy by this controvrsial, "tribe like" state of philosophy . Mostly, still the millstones go around in their heads, as ever scince the times of the "notion-crippel" (Nietzsche) Kant. This may be a motive for the strong emphasis of the science like truth status of philosophy and "placing" the fight against the doxa in the sheer heart of philosophy itself in "What is philosophy" of D&G. _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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