To: <> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 01:51:50 +0100 Subject: Re: [D-G] Mystic, psychosis, , Hi Ruth and all fellow companies, > The question of clarity is an interesting one-clear in relation > to what? According to the DSM, psychosis is manifest as > disordered thinking in so far as it is not ordered by the order > words of the DSM! DSM sucks.. > Te clarity described by different kinds of yogic traditions is > the clarity achieved when order words break down. Yet most also > describe a disciplined and focused method precisely to avoid the > chaotic immeersion in psychotic experience. Indeed, but how to distinguish the two, in practice? > You both seem to know > your way around the literature and proabably know more than I > about this but I would want to draw a line between a disciplned > mediational technique and the states of consciousness that can be > achieved and the seeming randomness of florid psychosis-this may > be constrolled mediationally-indeed I have worked quite hard at > doing this but meditatation is still an apparatus of capture. Is it? > As I understand lacan, psychosis is what occurs when the father's > law is not internalised or if it breaks down. One of the things I > have observed in my own episodes and the episodes of colleagues > is the construction of new linguistic rules in th episodes. These > are quite often paranoic rules-being persecuted by various > agencies, for example, is one that inflates the importance of the > person experiencing this and shores up primary narcisism. Well, is it primary narcissism? Or is it the consequence of a thoroughly consequent mature kind of idealism & solipsism. There is one clear dividing line between at the one hand Lacan & Deleuze-Guattari and at the other hand phenomenologists like Louis Sass, but also the older german school, which is, that in the end the lacanians and deleuzians consider psychosis as a step back towards a father-less or law-less stage, while in fine-grained psychiatric phenomenology (as clear inn Sass' Madness and Modernism) psychosis is a more advanced serene state of consciousness which takes all those cerebral intellectual stances like absolute idealism and solipsism seriously. My bet is on the phenomenologists! > Experiencing myself as a spaceship, alternatively, was a > transient way of constructing my own big Other at the fringes of > this logic-and also narcissitic (but very necessary at the time). > So I'm not so into romanticizing what happens in psychosis as > revolutionary-some of it is ultra paranoic. For example, > delusions are like religion in so far as they only attend to the > evidence that supports them-This sets up the production of closed > repetitions at another level of embodiment. Because this evidence > is experienced through the senses, it is > real for the expereincer. The ontological status of this real > is highly ambiguous. It is not real ( as in not actual) for > everyone else in the room. So for these people, the reality is > unextended and virtual. For the experiencer, the reality is > actual and extended. This embodied ambiguity occupies a space > that confounds the father's law. If Lacan's 'real' is > discursively founded on lack than the reality of the person who > expereince psychosis cannot 'be'-yet it undoubtedly is for many > people that I know. In Lacanian terms it remains quite unclear whether psychosis is a mature state of the morror stage - endlessly experiencing reflections of oneself - or meeting the Real (which is the more romantic reading). This is enough for me to support a conception > of the real based on plenitude. But I would still not link > psychosis with clarity (despite the oceanic moments where it > feels like all is clear). Rather, I would suggest this perception > is the ultimate in the grandiose self deception-encountering > being as a clamour, alternately, is more like an unclarity that > deafens-I don't really have words for it and as stated earlier, > one could not live there for long. Some of us live there for long, although from the outside it it looks not like a very pleasant 'place' :-) > The advice about saving > a bit of land is very sound in this respect and, in my view, > psychotic delusions are much more about the fictive construction > of land than the deterriorialiation of land as such. Maybe, > making new territories (David Wood talks about time shelter) is > what the de and resubjectifications of psychosis are about. > However, I can only speak for the lands I have made and > abandoned. They are of little interest to anyone but myself. I dont think so. In all psychosis similar themes seem to flourish: like the thing with rays, the flip-flop of paranoia and megalomania, and experiences of complete union. > It > would be interesting to hear from another pathway through > expereinces of psychosis. I would my book "Pure Waanzin". Unfortunately however, it is only in Dutch. Have a good time! Wouter Kusters _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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