Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 15:41:53 -0500 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Mystic, psychosis, , Dear Ruth, let me add, that in Guattari's "Chaosmosis" it is mentioned that for schizophrenics something very deep down in the strates in the brain identifying with the body, or in Freudiasn terms, the occupation of the body with libido or, D&G -the "chart", are to loose connected to it. Now, some DNA researchers found, that that may be dued to some missing sequences in the DNA, needed for the production of an anti-stress hormone. The early stress and the current stress is a hindrance for the chadrt to be builded or the libido has a strong unlust barrier. Here comes a deep secret: the flight line opened by that, goes to even deeper strates, more directly connected to the consumption of molecules out of the blood, thereby getting more discrimnation in affects, feelings and objects, percepting the "flux" and making it stable. This is the direction: awakening, superhuman (also occuring in Aurobindo). To pursue the flight line and stabilize it: Vipareeta Karani Mudra. So, the karmic bodies (yogic terminiolgy) gives here chance and trouble, the vulnerability is due to a "default high level of stress". So, it may be not so wise to deny plainly something biological in psychosis - look at your critics of my reputed "biological reductionism". This is not very yogic. For yogis, purusha (mind, intelligence, "form in a very abstract sense")=A0=A0 and prakriti (energy, matter) are undissolvable intervened. Like the body-mind for Spinoza. Are you sure to be a follower of Aurobindo, who was a very prominent explicite yogi? Or do you have another name of a symbolic father? Or none? curious greetings Harald Am 31.01.2009, 16:13 Uhr, schrieb Super Dragon <>: >Hi Hwenk -have you ever heard the phrase- teaching your grandmother >to suck eggs! But for what it is worth, the link between stress and >vulnerability is in The NICE guidelines re the treatment of >schizophenia (although it tends to be routinely ignored). >Personally, I don't buy into brain chemistry reductionism (eastern >or Western) altough I woud not dispute that changes in brain >chemistry occur in pyschosis. > >Wouter, thanks for your emails. i don't see any point in replying >-you intimate that you do indeed live in the unliveable site we have >discussed-there is thus nothing to say...!? >Ruth >Sloughing one's skin.-The snake that cannot slough its skin >perishes. Likewise spirits which are prevented from changing their >opinions; they cease to be spirits (Nietzsche: Daybreak:V:573) > _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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