File deleuze-guattari/deleuze-guattari.0908, message 23

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:42:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [D-G] Thoreau, etc.

The earliest report of the critter that kills the critter that is killing the world's amphibians is Bergonzoni's report (1881) and is contained in the report from the UK Dairy Research Institute. This is excerpted at Yahoo Groups: wilddiseases, message # 389.

The fungus that produces violacein, a compound that both kills Batrachochytrium and is being used in brest cancer therapy, =A0is on the nomadic trajectory in the Altai:

Pseudoalteromonas, also produces violacein. Unlike reports for Pseudoarachniotus,=A0two reports for Pseudoalteromonas can be found at Pubmed. One of the most virulent pathogens known to humans, it was the Orientalis bovar of =A0Yersinia pestis that killed Eric York. The focus (Russian " ochagovost'iu ") of that biovar may likely be in the Gorny-Altai, which is for the most part, due south of the Pseudoarachniotus location. The Pseudoarachniotus location seems to be near to the forks of the Yenesie and Upper Tunguska Rivers. When one nnotes that the opportunist in FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) is a mite, Demodex, then the image of early migrations begins to meld with the demodicosis-yersiniosis assemblage, an image very complex, yet one that yields to rationalization.

(Type in abstract number)

17311204=A0 Demodex / FIV / Keratin

It is here that anthrax on Guinard Island correlates to the somewhat opaque question as to whether or not Batrachochytrium degrades keratin (hair, wool, etc.). Yet it was in Ireland (1913)=A0that the dyeing of wool included Chromobacterium violaceum, the type organism. Since the cultures of C. chromobacterium seemed to have been influenced by atmospheric pressure and other weather phenomenon, we first point to the Chinese plague report for the year 1232:

19127851 Exploration on the Human Fulminant Plague in Bianjing in 1232 and the Climatic factors

Combined Pubmed keyword searches: violacein[AND]yersinia, keratin[AND]yersinia, will retrieve no references. Indeed, the frog-killing fungus Batrachochytrium can itself be killed by another fungus. Thus, the question of keratin degredation by either Batrachochytrium or Pseudoarachniotus would seem apropo. In addition, bee-keeping on Crete and in Turkey (Chatal Hueyuek, for example) points to a glyph=A0on the Phaisto Disk that may bery well represent protable bee-hives. Most are familiar with bee decline in accordance to infection with a mite. When tracing the trajectory north from these areas, the reader can see that migrations into Siberia would likely follow watercourses, and once one traverses the Selengge, south of Lake Baikal, it is a float-trip along the Shilka to the Amur and to the Pacific. This could happen in a surprisingly short time during the appropriate season.

Pubmed combined searches: yersinia[AND]keratin, yersinia[AND]cytokeratin, yields no results.


Gymnoascus location is the fungal target closest to both melting glaciers and the Peruvian Amazon tribe now infected with H1N1 swine flu, to which they are completely susceptible via lack of immunity. Keratins are guardians of the liver, and the liver is the regulator of health. Yet the thyroid is the sexual gland par excellence, and it is to changes in temperature (and possibley atmospheric pressure)=A0that the thyroid connects to frog skin and the sequestering of antibactial compounds and toxins. It is the location of Gynoascus to which we connect acitheca, for this assemblage shows more resonance with mutating swine-flu virus and geography, as well as attempts to answer the CDC's apparent puzzlement as to why plague never occurs east of the 100th meridian.

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