Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 10:11:10 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [D-G] Thoreau, etc. Yes, these remarks are educatively packed with fine-grained insights. Consider, as I have, what to say to Mexican insurgents laying low during daylight along the Arizona border just inside the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument avoiding tourist sightings, Border Patrol overflights, unmanned human scent sniffers, hired-trackers and double-crossing informants making a buck turning in their own adventure-eager late-capitalists. Do you first assay their disease threat or share your water jug with mouths containing germs lethal to Norteamericanos? When offered in return for your drink a mash of cornmeal, hot sauce, pig grease and chicken claw, will you down it without fear of toxic infection far dealier than Montezuma's Revenge? Can you tell them in plain Aztecan-Chinese-Spanish-Mexican- Anglo patois what bodily and trans-cultural erasure threats they face coming into a country out of its mind with blind faith in science and religion as answers to sickness and mortality, wealth accumulation and warmaking as tonic for anxiety, high art and pornography as emodiments of highest education, computers and the Internet as antidotes to Thoreavian reflection, overeating and dieting as enhanced masturbation, women and children sexual abuse and adoration as legalized torture by figures of greatest authority? When a knife is pulled by a dusty grimacing female to demand your money in SoCal-lingo mercilessness, how will you convince the menacing brokers you are merely a golden-hearted American with only boundless guilt to offer? _______________________________________________ List address: Info: Archives:
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