File puptcrit/puptcrit.0501, message 292

Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 14:19:41 -0800
From: Steve Axtell <>
Subject: [Puptcrit] Tele-Robot puppets?

Telerobotics is really a form of sophisticated puppetry. In fact, such
machines shouldn't be called robots at all, but electronic puppets.
Nevertheless, they are quite useful. Surgeons in big cities can teleoperate
in rural areas, lowering the cost and replication in healthcare
infrastructure. The military can use teleoperated flying drones for
surveillance of hostile areas. Telerobots can be used in industrial and
nuclear spill cleanup. NASA has invested in a very sophisticated humanoid
puppet called the cybernaut for spacewalks.

The good side of telerobotics is clear. But there is a dark side. There is
much talk about outsourcing of high-tech jobs to places like India and
Russia, where skilled white-collar workers are available for low wages.
America has lost a lot of jobs, yet even as the stock market climbs, the
job market remains soft, because the new jobs are created cheaper overseas.

Should telerobotic labor be regulated? A telerobot is an electronic puppet
controlled across a wire by a human using a PC and devices like joysticks
and gloves. Consider replacing the on-site operator with a $10-per-day
handler in an overseas call center. Instead of outsourcing jobs, we could
import brains over broadband to manage machinery in factories, to teach in
schools, or to clean houses. Should local labor laws apply to overseas
workers who telecommute?

Steve Axtell / Axtell Expressions, Inc.
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