File puptcrit/puptcrit.0501, message 322

Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:25:50 -0500
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] What motivated you in the beginning?
From: Karen Larsen <>
To: <>

This from a puppet pusher (and puppet designer) as opposed to a puppeteer,

Was at UConn as an English Lit major many many moons ago and as a freshman
decided to minor in drama (to make it easier to get a teaching job upon
graduation).  Took Drama 101 which required you to put in 20 hours on a
department production.  With 35 novels to read that semester I decided to
sign up for the  puppet show.  How hard could that be???  Sewing little hand
puppet costumes and who knew what other simple tasks........

Arrived to begin my hours and discovered that the "little puppet show" was
one of Frank Ballard's extravaganzas... full proscenium set and double or
triple bridge marionette production of Peer Gynt with a full orchestra in
the pit, dozens of meticulous, elaborate figures to complete, and gorgeous
scenery to paint.  

Ah Ha!  I said.  And I've been saying it again and again for the past 34


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