Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 22:40:06 -0500 To: From: Joe <> Subject: RE: [Puptcrit] NCLB I've been catching up on some old E-mails, and I realize this topic is pretty much over. But, I wanted to share about a local success in relation to arts for students. I have recently started a regular arts program at a local christian youth minstry center. This is a privately funded place purchased and maintained by some local churches. It's focus ministry is the "at risk" teen. There is one full-time staff member, and about 25 volunteers for the 80 or so kids that are regularly involved at some level. Personally, I will be leading a puppet related workshop (mostly black light performance), for a group of 10 kids who meet friday nights for 4 weeks to get a show together. We will probably do this 3 or 4 times a year. I heard a very encouraging story a few weeks ago. One of the kids blew up at one of the events, and of course was suspended from activities for a few weeks. In a follow up call to the kid's mom, she told the staff the following. She ask her son, why he would do this with our group, who are all volunteers who organize this center for him to enjoy. His reply was that we were the only people who loved him unconditionally. It seemed, that we were successfully reaching this guy's heart in a way that the institutions he attended could not. There are other similar stories about other kids. I can certainly vouch for the love these volunteers have for the kids and their commitment of time, study, and effort to make this an effective ministry. But beyond any of that, I think very act of volunteering communicates their love in an unmistakable way. Schools, by their very nature as government institutions, will always be crippled and weak in their ability to reach many kids. As our culture continues to relegate the task child raising to institutions and the tv, there are going to be consequences. No program in the schools, whether is it one offered by the Democrats or one by the Republicans, can really change this very much. I am honored to be part of a volunteer program that reaches some of these kids. Joe Dunfee Gordonville, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. _______________________________________________ List address: Admin interface:
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