To: <> Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Puppet Eyes Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 00:45:46 -0500 If the sequin is large enough, cutting a small pie > shaped wedge out of it before gluing it on strangely creates magic. > > Karen Ooh, I can't believe I almost forgot about this trick! Thanks Karen! The giant puppets (from human child to bigger, but not three stories high) I've seen from a company I work for, all have those sequins over their pupils. Awesome. Even works in dark lighting conditions, and in blacklight scenes. I didn't klnow about the wedge cutout though. I'll tell them next chance I get. Thanks! Everytime I think about getting the big black sequins, they are out at the stores I go to. Next chance I get, I'll buy in bulk... Mathieu René Créaturiste Marionnettes, Masques, Etcetera... Puppets, Masks, Etcetera... (514) 274-8027 _______________________________________________ List address: Admin interface: Archives:
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