File puptcrit/puptcrit.0502, message 43

Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 23:56:58 -0800
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Puppet-related quotes


At 10:23 PM 2/9/2005, you wrote:

>I like quotes.
>I wonder what puppet quotes out there can be found. Here's one I just read.

I did a bit of a search, and came up with just one that was worthy of
inclusion here.  Most used the word "puppet" as a metaphor for people or
governments being controlled by others.  Here is the one good quote:

QUOTATION:Will TV kill the theater? If the programs I have seen, save for
=93Kukla, Fran and Ollie,=94 the ball games and the fights, are any criterion,
the theater need not wake up in a cold sweat.
ATTRIBUTION:Tallulah Bankhead (1903=961968), U.S. actress. Tallulah, ch. 1

A second one, by Lady Montague (of British society), was an anti-puppet
show quote that shows her to be a rather uptight and shallow person.

-Bob Stone
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