File puptcrit/puptcrit.0502, message 46

To: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 20:41:45 +1000
Subject: [Puptcrit] Puppet quotes

Personally I loved the Lemony Snicket quote and take great delight in the
imagery of tears, volcanoes and puppets. Reminds me of a quote by Peter
Schumann of Bread and Puppets:
'Puppets are not cute, like muppets. Puppets are effigies and gods and
meaningful creatures'.
but My favorite would have to be:
"The puppets path was nothing less than the path of the dancer's soul, and
he doubted whether it could be found except by the puppeteer transposing
himself into the center of gravity of the marionette; or, in other words, by
Heinrich Von Kleist
In its full context he is not referring to some young contemporary
dancer/puppeteer but an old itenerant entertainer just doing a job....worth
reading the full essay...its on the net.


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