File puptcrit/puptcrit.0502, message 50

Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Slightly confused! (was: Schlemmer 'King Stag')
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:26:57 +0100

Dear Ray,

thanks very much! At least it means that my hunch was right and that
Ta=FCber-Arp did have something to do with these marionettes.

Can anyone else shed some light on this dilemma (and hopefully provide=20
more information on these marionettes)?

-- Paul

(BTW Ray, I am very happy with the Dwiggins Marionettes book which I
purchased from you! What a beautiful book it is!)

On 10 Feb, 2005, at 15:15, Ray DaSilva wrote:

> Dear Paul,
> This may not help very much but the same puppets appear in a photo on
> page 39 of "Otto Morach Seine Arbeit f=FCr das Marionettentheater: la
> bo=EEte =E0 joujoux by Lothar Drack, 1988.  The caption says  "Szene aus
> 'K=F6nig Hirsch' von Carlo Gozzi.  Inszenierung Sophie Taeuber-Arp, 1918.
> I don't read German, but it looks as if Sophie directed the production.
> There is no mention of Schlemmer in relation to that production.  They
> were all collaborating so he may have designed the figures or at least
> had some influence.
> Best wishes
> Ray DaSilva
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf=20
> Of
> Paul Perry
> Sent: 10 February 2005 12:41
> To:
> Subject: [Puptcrit] Slightly confused! (was: Schlemmer 'King Stag')
> I must say I'm slightly confused.
> Here is the URL of the image that I mentioned earlier:
> If you scroll down to the section on Oskar Schlemmer and the Bauhaus
> you'll find the image of the marionettes in question. (Note: the
> thumbnail becomes a bit larger if you click on it.) The credit
> unequivocally states:
> "Scene from "The King Stag" by Carlo Gozzi. Designed by Schlemmer to
> emphasize mechanization and abstraction."
> However I can find no other references connecting Gozzi's play (and the
> wonderful puppets depicted) to either Schlemmer or the Bauhaus. I do
> however find references (but no pictures) to Sophie Ta=FCber's 1917
> production of 'King Stag / K=F6nig Hirsch'.
> Could the puppets in the picture actually be from Ta=FCber-Arp?
> Thanks again and kind regards,
> -- Paul
> On 10 Feb, 2005, at 8:29, Paul Perry wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm new to the list and not a puppeteer but a visual artist who has
>> been interested in puppets since childhood.
>> Recently I came across a small photo online of Oskar Schlemmer's
>> production of 'King Stag' and would love to find more images and
>> information about this production. This must have been discussed here
>> before -- and I have just now tried to search the archives now housed
>> at driftline but have been completely unsuccessful (no hits
>> whatsoever).
>> So if anyone here could give me some references to books, films and
>> online sources I would be very grateful.
>> Kind regards,
>> -- Paul _______________________________________________
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