File puptcrit/puptcrit.0508, message 163

Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 15:53:36 -0700
From: Steve Axtell <>
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Religion in puppetry

I have to second that.  Davey and Goliath rule!    Ax

At 03:22 PM 8/8/2005, you wrote:
>I'm coming out of lurkerdom on the list to thank
>you for a great post. I'm not currently
>affiliated with any religious organization or
>practice, and am leaning towards the "I'll believe
>it when I see it" camp. Having said that I grew
>up with Gumby and Davey and Goliath, and I was
>quite pleased a few years back to find a shop
>with videos featuring old Davey and Goliath episodes
>to share with my young son. I'm quite
>comfortable with him watching Veggie Tales for the same
>reason - they're both well done and convey
>universal messages in the trappings of quasi-religious
>Even as a teenager I used to wake up at the
>ungodly hour of 5:00 AM Sunday morning to catch the
>local broadcast of Davey and Goliath, because I
>loved the characters and was fascinated by the
>animation - and VCRs weren't yet widely
>available. (I still love hearing Luther's "Mighty
>Fortress" because of those shows.) As long as
>people don't try to get in my face with their
>religious beliefs I'm cool with them. Because of
>my own religious upbringing I understand how
>important people's faith is to them. I belong to
>another online puppetry group where many or most
>of my fellow members participate in puppet
>ministries, and I'm happy for them and the work they
>do, as long as it's of good quality.
>Thanks again,
>Ron Glasgow
>Cumming GA
>Please don't take this as an affront because
>it's offered in a friendly spirit, but when posting
>it would be helpful to your readers if you took
>a breath once in awhile and hit the "Return" key a
>couple of times. A little white space makes posts much easier to read...
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