File puptcrit/puptcrit.0511, message 133

From: =?Windows-1252?Q?Mathieu_Ren=E9?= <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 15:09:03 -0500
Subject: [Puptcrit] Toxicity help needed

I just bought some universal coloring agent called PTC Pro Tint, from Dynamic.

The warnings look like a mandatory legal notice to avoid any lawsuits. Feels like it is emphasized to be SURE even an idiot would be scared.  My unfruitful research online seems to suggest the solvents in it are not really toxic.
I ahve no background in chemistry. Can anyone help me?

The products on the warning are:
 Ethylene glycol
Diethylene Glycol
Alkylphenol etoxylate
nonphneol Ethoxylate
manganese dioxide

I tried the Pro-Tint before, but in the context of a Movie set, where the actors don't even touch the surfaces.
Now, I intend to mix the Pro-tint in acrylic paints and white glues(PVA). this paint mix will be applied inside the mask, in direct contact with the actor's face.

I am wondering about this product:

- when toroughly mixed in my paint, will it remain toxic (fumes, skin contact) once the paint is fully dried?
-Can I speed-dry the paint with my heat gun or at 250=BAF without any reactions from the chemicals in the Pro-tint?
   (I've never had any problems with any acrylic paints and heat)

Thank you.

Mathieu René Créaturiste
Marionnettes, Masques, Etcetera...
Puppets, Masks, Etcetera...
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