File puptcrit/puptcrit.0512, message 110

From: =?Windows-1252?Q?Mathieu_Ren=E9?= <>
To: <>, <>,
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 13:46:43 -0500
Subject: [Puptcrit] GREAT news for Moi!

Hi all!
I just received a very welcome phone call this morning!
Just as I was having a panic attack, (cold cold sweats and fast-beating heart) caused by many financial-related phone calls within the hour, this good call came and calmed me down almost immediately.

What is it about?

Mix the two together, and you get great relief!

The Director called me. We got the first (and biggest) grant of the batch of grants we were applying for!
That's 30, 000$ (thirty thousand!) in the bank!!!!! For the project. If we get full funding (waiting on answers in mid January), the puppet department  budget will be around 18 thousand. That's for our puppet movie, with a cast of three puppets and exquisitely detailed sets and accessories!
With a reduced team, we will be able to get paid fairly!

We'll probably start in January-February!
I can't wait!
I had a strong feeling I'd be VERY busy come 2006.
So far, I've got this and another pupet show production coming at the same time, plus a part-time job.
Keep em coming.
I'll keep you posted.

Mathieu René Créaturiste
Marionnettes, Masques, Etcetera...
Puppets, Masks, Etcetera...
(514) 274-8027
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