File puptcrit/puptcrit.0607, message 155

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 17:10:36 EDT
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] marionette weight

I can't resist a little plug for my workshop here. 
I will be leading a workshop at the Super Sonic East Coast Regional  Festival 
in Asheville, NC on July 22 entitled "Stuff I Learned From  Bil." The focus 
will be the Baird style of manipulation. Participants will  discuss the Baird 
style of construction, control design, stringing, and have the  opportunity to 
work a Baird marionette.
See you there!
In a message dated 7/12/2006 4:49:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

>What  I marvel at is the fact that the Baird marionette is so well  jointed
>that it has almost no extraneous movement and the knee and  elbow sockets 
>practically invisible.
>Robert  Rogers

Thanks Roger for the additional infos!
Oh please, Can we see  close-up pics?
Has it any special attributes compared to the classic slot  and groove joint, 
or is it just so darn precise?

I am still working  on my slot and groove joint today. So far so good.

Mathieu René  Créaturiste
Marionnettes, Masques, Etcetera...
Puppets, Masks,  Etcetera...
(514) 274-8027  

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