File puptcrit/puptcrit.0607, message 254

From: Stephen Kaplin <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 00:11:16 -0400
Subject: [Puptcrit] Looking for puppeteer Hosts

Dear Puppet Friends,

  As part of my duties as "Hands Across the Sea" committee head for 
UNIMA-USA, I am trying to compile a list of=A0 people across the country 
who might be willing to host visiting puppeteers from abroad. I am 
looking for a few homes in each region of the country that can be "host 

  This list will not be public. I will hold it (along with other members 
of=A0 the "Hands Across the Sea" committee). When visiting puppeteers 
from abroad contact me, I will supply them with host house contacts in 
the region they are interested in visiting.

  Of course, you have to have enough space in your home to put up 
guests. You can tell me how many people you'd be comfortable to have 
over (and for how long a stay.) Also let me know if you speak any 
foreign languages.

  If a request comes along, we will give you call to see if your are 
available to be a host. You would be in no way obligated to accepting 
any guests.

  You will be doing=A0 a great service to UNIMA, and you'd be able to 
partake in exciting global cultural exchanges and make contacts with 
groups and people that might in turn be your hosts some day.

  Please let me know if you want to be part of=A0 my contact list. You can 
respond to this e-mail, or call me on my cell phone- (347) 528-8412.

  Thanks so much,
  Kuang-Yu Fong.
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