File puptcrit/puptcrit.0607, message 35

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 15:57:08 EDT
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Puppetmaking with Recycled materials

A few more possibilties for recycled materials:

Buy sweaters from the thrift store (or use old sweaters with holes in them 
that are no longer wearable garments). Unravel the yarn and you have the makings 
of beautiful wavy hair (in some very interesting colors).

Find interior decorators in your area. Call them up and ask if they have any 
old fabric swatches they want to get rid of. We once got bags and bags of 
fabric swatches 2 feet by 2 feet from an interior decorator. Many were not usable 
for puppet clothing because they were either too heavy or the prints were too 
large. But some were just perfect.

Baby food jars are ideal for keeping small batches of custom-blended paints. 
We used to create skin tone paint for each puppet from scratch, then keep the 
leftovers in labeled baby food jars when we needed touchups.

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