File puptcrit/puptcrit.0611, message 155

From: =?Windows-1252?Q?Mathieu_Ren=E9?= <>
To: <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 16:33:40 -0500
Subject: [Puptcrit] Foam Patternmaking advice?

Hi all.

I am still very new at patternmaking for foam rubber puppets, so I wasn't able to make a 
very spherical shape yet. I did achieve wonderful other shapes (more complex, strangely enough), and I'm using them on the puppets, but the sphere is yet to be achieved.
The wonderful other shapes are a spider's abdomen, a fat pill shape, and a strange faceted ball that was almost round.

Can somebody tell me the mathematical formula to calculate the proper height and width of a rounded diamond wedge that will make up the sphere, depending on how many wedges I plan to include? I know it exists, I read it someplace years ago, perhaps even here on Puptcrit.

Even If a formula cannot be found, can someone send me a picture of the single wedge, and tell me how many of it it takes to make that sphere?
I figure I can enlarge or reduce at will...

I'm dreaming of a basic patternbook for basic shapes like these:
-peanut in the shell

I can't get The Foam Book right now, money is more than tight. but it's in the plans (The DVD is tempting)

Thanks a lot for any help!

Mathieu René Créaturiste
Marionnettes, Masques, Etcetera...
Puppets, Masks, Etcetera...
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