File puptcrit/puptcrit.0706, message 218

From: "Alan Cook" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:57:31 GMT
Subject: [Puptcrit] Why not a Church of the Sacred Puppet?

Many decades ago in Hollywood, the modern dancer Ruth Saint Dennis organized The Church of Sacred Dance as a means to get around limiting laws & rules for theaters.

I got to see her dance in my hometown (South Pasadena, CA) at Oneonta Congregational Church, so she really DID sacred dancing, but one could argue that all art is sacred.

A couple of weeks before she died in L.A. she showed a film interview made years earlier which included her snake charmer dance, which involved use of her hands as 2 snakes--for snake eyes, each hand wore two rings. To her, I expressed my surprise   to learn from that film that besides being a famous dancer (which I knew already) THAT SHE WAS A PUPPETEER! She had not thought of it that way before, but acknowledged it as a fact and suggested we do lunch to discuss puppetry further.
I regret to this day, that the lunch was pre-empted by the Grim Reaper.


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