File puptcrit/puptcrit.0803, message 122

From: Ed Atkeson <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:48:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Rules

 >>> Kismet, when I mentioned Van G. and Modigliani, I was referring  
to composition etc. It would be rediculous to think they did not  
follow the basics of using paint and canvas, but their vision and  
perception was new and different. I was thinking of their vision end  
execution. The same can be said of the puppeteer Basil Milifsoroff  
(again sp?) who was a master of surrealistt puppetry, yet used the  
basic mechanics.
No one should get hung up thinking they can't do something because it  
doesn't fit the "rules".
I think that Mathieu is asking what your "principles" are. What are  
your best practices, whatever. And if Van G. and Modigliani were on  
the list he'd be asking them for theirs.

Jim, it sounds like the principle that you are suggesting is -- No  
one should get hung up thinking they can't do something because it  
doesn't fit the "rules".
Sounds good to me.
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