File puptcrit/puptcrit.0902, message 228

From: "Alan Cook" <>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2009 04:34:08 GMT
Subject: [Puptcrit] Coraline-too scary for the children? Hurry to fnd out!

There are about 1000 domestic theatres capable of the 3-D system used for "Coraline." In three weeks a Disney concert film is scheduled (Jonas Brothers) in the same theatres according to today's L.A. Times. I take that to mean we need to hurry to the nearest 3-D theatre tomorrow or ASAP, before the Jonas film takes over the select theatres. Or will both films alternate?


The advance buzz for CORALINE has been very positive, as have the early reviews. 

I note one comment on the NY Times page today loved the film, another thought it too scary "for children" without mentioning any age specifically. 

Well I saw Disney's SNOW WHITE when it was brand new and I was frightened of the floating bubbles as the Witch poisoned the apple, and the moving tree limbs threatening Snow White in the woods was scary for me too, but the story ended on an upbeat note and I was glad I saw the picture. I still am.

When I saw it in the late 1960s or so in New Orleans, I noticed that kids who were as young as I once was, were totally unfazed by those two scary scenes. In fact I was annoyed that they were so sophisticated. I mean, how dare they?

But they dared anyway.


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