File puptcrit/puptcrit.1001, message 495

From: "Arthur H. Poore" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 16:18:50 -0500
Subject: [Puptcrit] Roberta Leigh


      Has the subject of Roberta Leigh's work ever been discussed here  
by this august body in January or any other time?

While growing up these past several decades, I have asked many people  
if they remembered an old black and white TV series where there were  
marionettes in space ships which would travel between planets, where  
the crew of one ship had people from Mars Venus and Earth co- 
operating, and where the cities of Earth had  a transportation system  
of capsules shooting through clear tubes.

I got a few vague nods, and scratching of chins.      I will probably  
find that I should have started my queries Here, with this body...
last august.

After many searches and inquiries, I rediscovered a series of 39  
episodes of a 1960  series called Space Patrol, produced in the UK .
Roberta also wrote under several pseudonyms and was involved in other  
puppet productions, including one where she worked with Gerry Anderson  
early in his career.

SO ?
So does anyone remember this gem?
Arturo Pooro'

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