File puptcrit/puptcrit.1002, message 136

From: "Fall, Brigid" <Brigid.Fall-AT-TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG>
To: "" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:51:55 -0500
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Theory: Talent Comes From AFAR

Mathieu & All:

Maybe the trick is to play on the "us first"/"local patriotism" angle.  I remember a product -- a wine cooler! -- whose slogan was "Made in Ohio, by Ohioans".  Kind of made you feel guilty if you didn't buy it!

Brid in Toledo

From: [] On Behalf Of Mathieu René []
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Theory: Talent Comes From AFAR

It's more than a Theory, it's a misconception that alas, has become a
standard in society.

People are more attracted to things that come from afar, despite the
abundance of similar (or superior) resources available locally.
I've observed similar reactions, in various fields of Arts and others.

I call it the Exotic Factor.

If it sounds exotic, or at least if it comes from far enough away,
preferably somewhere that has not been visited by the target
audience/customer, then it must be more interesting than what's at home.

This misconception has been around forever. Circuses knew this, and added
exotic terms and faked the origins of their acts and performers, even lied
about where they had performed around the world.

A more contemporary example: H=E4agen-Dazs, the ice cream company, was funded
in the USA, but used a name that cenoveyed an old world quality.

This is what we have to work against, and also use to our advantage in the

What I mean is that we must reach our local audiences, as it make more sense
economically and ecologically to earn a living and contribute locally. We
must also take advantage of the exotic factor while it still prevails. The
advantage to this two-fold strategy is that everyone is exotic once they are
far enough away from home.

If you are considered talented, but not very exciting where you are, one
posible solution would be to move in a far away city, or better yet, switch
to another country. The "cute accent" will help even more to make you look

I am hired more outside of my city of residence, than here, as a puppetmaker
and performer. I love the variety of working in different places, but I wish
to be more active in my local area. If the tendency is maintained in the
current direction, I'll move to where the work is, and away from the snow.
In the meantime I shall promote more locally, and even create opportunities.

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